Friday Talking Points -- Ukraine-gate? MassiveTrumpCollusion-gate?

[ Posted Friday, September 20th, 2019 – 18:05 UTC ]

We're in the midst of a brand-new breaking scandal -- one that's so new it hasn't even been assigned a "-gate" label yet. Ukraine-gate? Kiev-gate? MassiveTrumpCollusion-gate? As was entirely appropriate, Hillary Clinton had the pithiest tweet of the week: "The president asked a foreign power to help him win an election. Again."

What Trump did, apparently, was to pressure the leader of Ukraine to reopen an investigation into Joe Biden's son. Trump reportedly used the threat of stopping military aid to the country to extort his desired outcome. Then when a whistleblower complained about it, the White House and the Department of Justice conspired to cover it up by withholding the official complaint from Congress. That's the crime and the coverup in a nutshell.

The real question, of course, is whether any of it will matter one whit. Bribery is most definitely an impeachable offense, but the Senate Republicans are never going to vote to remove Trump. Whether Trump's impeached or not, the trial in the Senate is still a foregone conclusion, which probably makes the whole scandal a rather moot point. Sad but true, this is our current state of affairs -- Trump can do anything he wants, and Republicans are never going to hold him accountable because they fear his supporters too much. He probably could, as he once boasted, shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it.

Trump, as he is wont to do, set himself up for some punchlines, by asking in a tweet: " anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader...?" The answer to that is pretty obvious, as many on Twitter took the time to point out. Trump also called the phone call to the Ukrainian a "perfectly fine and respectful conversation," and insisted "there was nothing said wrong, it was pitch perfect!"

Then Trump's personal lawyer went on television, and as Rudy Giuliani is wont to do, admitted that the entire scandal was essentially true. When asked: "So you did ask Ukraine to look into Joe Biden?" Rudy shot back: "Of course I did."

Democrats, of course, are incensed. Here's just one official response to the growing scandal: "If the president is trying to pressure Ukraine into choosing between defending itself from Russian aggression without U.S. assistance or leveraging its judicial system to serve the ends of the Trump campaign, this would represent a staggering abuse of power, a boon to Moscow and a betrayal of the public trust." Which is actually putting it kind of mildly.

The whole week was pretty surreal, even without all the TrumpExtortion-gate news. Trump tweeted his abject subservience to Saudi Arabia to begin the week -- after boasting that America is "locked and loaded" against Iran after the recent attack on a Saudi oil facility, Trump then admitted who the real commander in chief of America's military is: "...waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!" In other words, Trump's not sure whether we're going to war or not because he has not received his marching orders from the Saudi king. It has become rather trite to say it, but just imagine for one millisecond what Republicans would have said if Barack Obama had ever issued such a statement. In fact, we don't have to wonder, because none other than Donald Trump did back in 2012: "Do we still want a President who bows to the Saudis and lets OPEC rip us off? Make America strong, vote for @MittRomney." In 2014, he also tweeted: "Saudi Arabia should fight their own wars, which they won't, or pay us an absolute fortune to protect them and their great wealth--$ trillion!"

Tulsi Gabbard had perhaps the best reaction on Twitter, which was chock-full of ridicule for Trump's subservient tweet: "Trump awaits instructions from his Saudi masters. Having our country act as Saudi Arabia's bitch is not 'America First.'"

The other big news from the Middle East was that Benjamin Netanyahu lost an election. His party came in second in the Israeli parliamentary election, meaning that he may be completely shut out of the next government. His opponent has said he wouldn't form a coalition government with Netanyahu's party unless they remove him as the party's leader. Donald Trump immediately threw Bibi under the bus, stating that "our relations are with Israel," and not Netanyahu himself. Ouch! If even his best buddy Trump is calling him a loser, then Bibi may just be toast.

Trump took the time this week to hold a rally in New Mexico, which he has convinced himself he can win next November. This is completely delusional, but whatever. Speaking of Trump's delusions, he wasn't impressed with Elizabeth Warren's reported crowd size of 20,000 supporters who gathered to hear her speak in New York: "Certainly, if I went to Manhattan, if I went there -- No. 1, she didn't have 20,000 people and No. 2, I think anybody would get a good crowd there. I think you have a good crowd there if you don't even go there, just say you're going and how many people are in the park." Got that? She didn't have 20,000 people, and if she did it's no big deal, and I could get that many even if I didn't show up after announcing I would. In other words, Trump is still pathologically fixated on crowd sizes. And himself, of course.

In the same vein, Trump inserted himself into the news of the death of Cokie Roberts, responding to a question about it with: "I never met her. She never treated me nicely. But I would like to wish her family well. She was a professional and I respect professionals. Never treated me well, but I certainly respect her as a professional." In fact, Cokie Roberts had indeed interviewed Trump previously.

Trump also found the time this week to visit his precious border fence, even though it was not new fencing but rather replacement fencing. He magnanimously signed the fence with a Sharpie pen (because of course he did). Then he asked the border agent in charge to describe the secret technology they were deploying to protect the border, but thankfully the guy was smart enough to tell Trump that doing so would be a really stupid thing to do. He put it more politely than that, though: "Sir, there could be some merit in not discussing that." Ya think?

After teasing that this might be the week for White House action on gun safety legislation, Team Trump did a rather odd faceplant. They were up on Capitol Hill circulating a draft gun bill agenda to Republicans when someone leaked the document to a right-wing news source. This led to a quick backlash from the N.R.A. and it bizarrely led to the White House disavowing the draft that they were supposed to be whipping support for. Since Mitch McConnell has abdicated all legislative power to the president on the issue, it's looking like nothing's going to get done. And here's a grim stat -- for the first time ever, in 2017, more Americans were killed by guns than by auto accidents. While Mitch McConnell dithers.

Over in the House, Nancy Pelosi is hard at work attempting to make things better for all Americans, however. She just unveiled a plan to rein in prescription drug company profits, although it wasn't as strong as it could have been. Still, it will begin building a regulatory system that is becoming more necessary by the day. This could even be an issue where Pelosi could cut a deal with Donald Trump to force Mitch McConnell to take action, since Trump has long been in favor of doing something to bring down the out-of-control prices on prescription drugs. Republicans refuse to act, but if Trump gets behind it maybe they'll have to.

In election news, Joe Kennedy III is going to take on sitting Democratic Senator Ed Markey in Massachusetts. This is entirely a generational battle, since both men are about as progressive as you can get. So it's not a progressive-versus-centrist battle at all, it's an old-guy-versus-fresh-young-face fight. Kennedy's last name will, of course, give him an edge in the race, but it will be an interesting one to keep an eye on nonetheless.

In the presidential race, we are finally down below 20 candidates, as Bill de Blasio threw in the towel this morning. This still leaves 19 candidates to choose from, so there's still no shortage of Democrats running.

Bernie Sanders announced he now has over one million donors, a feat that was unimaginable before he entered presidential politics. And almost all of them have not yet given the maximum amount, so he's sitting on a gold mine of still-tappable supporters. Sanders announced a staff shakeup in New Hampshire and Iowa this week, but the real setback for him was when the Working Families Party announced it was endorsing Elizabeth Warren over him. In 2016, Sanders got their endorsement, so it's kind of personal to lose out on it this time.

An old video circulated (which raised some eyebrows) of Joe Biden telling a story about a gang leader called "Corn Pop" that sounded like it was straight out of West Side Story, but the whole thing is so silly we're just going to mention it and move on.

Kamala Harris is (as she put it) "fucking moving to Iowa," as she pins her whole campaign's hopes on doing well enough there to make it to Super Tuesday. However, she's got a big job in front of her, if a recent Iowa state poll can be believed. Biden led the poll with 25 percent, with Elizabeth Warren right behind at 23 percent, but Harris only pulled in a measly five percent -- down a whopping thirteen points from the previous poll. This puts her way down in sixth place. As we said, she's got a long way to go.

And Beto O'Rourke unveiled an interesting policy idea this week. He's calling for "drug war justice" grants to be paid to people who have spent time in prison for marijuana offenses. While this is an interesting idea, what's even more interesting is how Democrats have moved beyond merely calling for marijuana legalization and are now attempting to actually right some of the wrongs that the whole War On Weed has done over the decades.

And finally, two unrelated items to close on, one disgusting and one demeaning. A judge in upstate New York was forced to resign after he posted an image of a noose online, with the slogan: "If we want to make American great again we will have to make evil people fear punishment again." He also had to swear "never to seek or accept judicial office at any time in the future," which must be a relief to upstate New Yorkers.

Not to be outdone by Rick Perry, Sean Spicer made his debut on Dancing With The Stars this week, in a lime green shirt complete with ruffles. No, seriously. His dancing was likened, by one judge, to "being attacked by a swarm of wasps." It is a sight that, once seen, can never be unseen. That's really about all you can say about such a demeaning spectacle.


Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week

The shaming of Mitch McConnell with the label "#MoscowMitch" deserves some sort of mention here, because it worked so effectively.

Also worth mentioning are all the GM workers who are out on strike, mostly because the media is almost completely ignoring the work stoppage. This really should be bigger news than it so far has been.

Today, millions of students went out "on strike" themselves, to bring attention to climate change. One leader of this movement, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, appeared before a congressional committee this week and humbly offered up a United Nations report on the crisis as her testimony: "I am submitting this report as my testimony because I don't want you to listen to me, I want you to listen to the scientists. I want you to unite behind science. And then I want you to take real action. Thank you." That's pretty impressive, we have to admit.

But this week's Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week goes to Elizabeth Warren, who gave a speech in New York City this week to 20,000 people. From a Washington Post report (that called it a "masterful, inspiring speech"):

When she bounded onto the stage, at Washington Square Park in lower Manhattan, you wouldn't have expected someone so enthusiastic to start her address with a depressing story. But Warren began by recalling the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911, which killed 146 garment workers -- almost all women -- in just 18 minutes, only a block from where she was standing. It wasn't just the bosses who locked them in the factory to prevent theft who were to blame for the fire and the deaths, Warren said; it was a corrupt political establishment, doing the bidding of wealthy business owners, who created the conditions that led to the tragedy. "Business owners got richer, politicians got more powerful, and working people paid the price," Warren said. "Does any of that sound familiar?"

Why, yes, it does.

From the Triangle fire, Warren argued that our inability to make any positive change on matters ranging from climate change, income inequality, gun control and health-care reform is the result of the corrupt capture of our government by the obscenely wealthy to keep and increase their money and power, the rest of us be damned. She outlined her plan, debuted Monday morning, to tackle Washington corruption. It's similar to legislation she introduced last year. "Corruption has put our planet at risk. Corruption has broken our economy. And corruption is breaking our democracy," she said. She also discussed her wealth tax, which would raise money to pay for universal child care, make public colleges tuition free, and wipe out the vast majority of student debt. "Two cents," the crowd chanted, quoting back her line at how little -- a 2 percent annual tax on assets -- that plan will cost people with a net worth of more than $50 million.

Warren then turned to the female-dominated reform movement of the Gilded Age. She evoked Frances Perkins, witness to the Triangle fire, whose activism changed fire safety rules after the tragedy, and who went on to serve as Franklin Roosevelt's secretary of labor, helping to enact everything from Social Security to the nation's first national minimum wage law. "Frances pushed from the inside," Warren said. "Frances Perkins became the first woman in history to serve in the Cabinet. And what did she do when she got there? Big structural change." It took Perkins and all the women -- so many of the reformers were women -- who marched with her, over and over again, to slowly but surely reform the system and American lives for the better, Warren said. To make change, she argued, requires the cooperation of both the activists who challenge the power and the bridge figures, like Perkins -- and Warren, or so her argument goes.

As if all that weren't impressive enough, Warren then stayed afterwards to take selfies with her fans for four hours. Her campaign has been counting how many selfies she's taken with supporters, and win or lose she will doubtlessly go down in history as the presidential candidate with the most selfies ever.

Also, as previously noted, Warren's impressive turnout sparked a moment of petulance from Donald Trump. As the campaign gets more intense, we can obviously expect this sort of thing every time a Democrat draws crowds in the tens of thousands of people, which is all to the good.

Kidding aside, though, we're giving Warren the Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week solely for the speech itself, which was a real barn-burner. Warren is obviously making good use of the spotlight, and she's making some very impressive points along the way. Frances Perkins is certainly an admirable role model for Warren to cite, and weaving in the Triangle Shirtwaist fire story was also very appropriate. For giving such a masterful speech, Elizabeth Warren is once again our Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week.

[Congratulate Senator Elizabeth Warren on her Senate contact page, to let her know you appreciate her efforts.]


Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week

If we were Canadian, we'd obviously give this award to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, eh? Trudeau proved this week that white politicians with blackface photos in their past isn't a purely American problem.

Instead, we're reaching pretty far down in prominence to give the Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week award to a candidate for mayor in Memphis, Tennessee. Tami Sawyer began in politics as the face of the movement to take down the city's Confederate monuments, and she was looking to become the first woman and only the third black mayor in the city's history. She is running as a progressive.

Unfortunately, she has an online history of making some rather offensive remarks about lesbians. She's also used the word "retarded," which is a big no-no these days. These weren't from decades ago or anything, either, but from just five or six years ago. She did profusely apologize for her past language, which she said she used back when she was "a twenty-something" who was "preoccupied with myself, my own story, and having fun with friends." From her apology:

There are tweets that show a woman who, at that point, still hadn't come to terms with her homophobia, who still wasn't standing up and being a voice for all, regardless of ability. I am, not just deeply ashamed, but deeply sorry for those tweets, the harm they caused at the time, and the harm that seeing them now will still bring up, especially for members of those communities, and for all of us....

It is clear that I have not always been the person that I am today. I have said things on public platforms that are hurtful, offensive, and just wrong. As someone who works every day in the fight for justice, I am sorry I ever thought these things, said these things, and amplified these things. I am embarrassed by my past self and I am grateful to have had the space, the teachers, and the desire to grow beyond that version of me.

To those my words and actions from my past hurt: I am sorry.

But it's going to be tough for her to survive these revelations. Her mean-girl tweets were pretty bad, including one that seems to us to be absolutely disqualifying:

the lady whos dog got euthanized @ the shelter made me laugh. i know its mean, but she was crying and she just looked crazy.

Wow. That's not just brutal, that's downright inhumane.

Which is why, even though it is a minor political race, we simply had no choice this week. We had to give Tami Sawyer the Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week because nothing else really even came close.

[Tami Sawyer is currently not in office, and it is our blanket policy not to provide links to campaign websites, so you'll have to search her contact information yourself if you'd like to let her know what you think of her actions.]


Friday Talking Points

Volume 543 (9/20/19)

Kind of a mixed bag this week, with yet another "Republican publicly denounces Trump and calls for him to be ousted at the ballot box" opinion piece at the end. These are becoming almost a weekly occurrence, it seems.


   A new superlative for Trump

Most. Corrupt. Ever.

"Donald Trump will go down in history as the most corrupt president ever. This week we learned that he's not only colluding with a foreign government to increase his chances of re-election; he's not only doing so while he is president; he's not only using extortion to do so; but he's actually using taxpayer money to bribe the Ukrainian leader to provide dirt on Joe Biden. That is downright stunning when you think about it. And where is the so-called 'law and order' party? They're jamming their heads in the sand once again, because they don't want to hear what their Dear Leader has been up to. Republicans are going to have to answer to history for their inaction, because it is now painfully obvious that we have the most corrupt president of all time."


   Waiting for the marching orders

Waiting to hear what to do....

"Remember that time that Barack Obama bowed to Saudi royalty and conservatives had a hissy fit? Well, this week President Trump did more than just bow, he got down and licked their boots. He tweeted out that he was, quote, waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed, unquote. He is literally asking them for marching orders. Since when has Saudi Arabia been in charge of the United States military? Since when do American presidents wait for other world leaders to tell them what to do? And come to think of it, why can't Saudi Arabia fight its own wars? We certainly have sold them every military weapons system they've ever asked for, so why aren't they the ones to respond to an attack on their own soil? Wasn't that kind of the point of selling them all that stuff in the first place?"


   Speaking of marching orders

Kowtowing seems to be happening all over Washington these days.

"There has been a shift in power in the United States Senate, as the Republican Party no longer takes its own marching orders directly from the N.R.A., they are now waiting for President Trump to tell them what to do on gun safety legislation. The Senate used to be an independent entity, with co-equal powers to the executive branch, but under Mitch McConnell they've become nothing short of Trump's lapdog. This is pathetic, and shows more than anything else how the once-proud Republican Party is now no more than a personality cult. It's sad to watch, really."


   Trump's not the only corrupt one

Here's a scandal that could have wider repercussions.

"Speaking of Mitch McConnell, his wife Elaine Chao is now under investigation for corruption by the House, because apparently she's been using her job in Trump's cabinet as a way to help her family's fortunes. Her father and her sisters own a shipping company that moves goods between the U.S. and China, and Elaine has helped the family firm out by trying to include her relatives in meetings with Chinese officials, and letting her father boast of his influence on Air Force One. James Chao has given millions of dollars to both Elaine and to her husband, Mitch McConnell, over the years. It looks like it was a good investment, because he's certainly cashing in with the Chinese government now."


   Put the Green in Green New Deal

Democratic candidates for president need to do a much better job of outreach to one particular group: farmers.

"This week, a letter signed by 500 farmers and organizations that represent 10,000 farms was sent to Congress, in support of the Green New Deal. The letter calls for 'the transition away from fossil fuels toward renewable energy alternatives, and the transition away from industrial agriculture toward family farm-based organic and regenerative farming and land-use practices that improve soil health and draw down and sequester carbon.' Farmers can be instrumental in Democratic plans for a new green economy, and any Democrat who isn't talking directly to the farmers about how they can be a part of it is a fool. Instead of writing them off as 'flyover country,' Democrats should offer farmers a seat at the table when discussing climate change. The letter concludes with a vision of how this can happen: 'We call on Congress to put the "Green" in the Green New Deal by empowering us to revitalize the health and economic security of this country's middle class, to make family farming economically viable again, and to help reverse climate change and improve America's air and water quality by making our ecosystems healthy again.' Democrats should take them up on this offer, obviously."


   How Democrats are going to win in 2020

Some good news from an unexpected source.

"The numbers are in, and college students more than doubled their voting rate in the 2018 election as compared to the last midterm in 2014. Turnout rose the most sharply among young adults, in fact, out of any demographic group. College women are voting at a higher rate than men, and black women are voting more reliably than any other racial or gender group. And that's in an off year, without a presidential election. While the Republican Party increasingly relies on older white voters as their base, the Democrats are growing their party with young voters leading the wave. If young voters turn out in record numbers in 2020, then they will be at the forefront of putting a Democrat back in the White House while we all wave goodbye to Donald Trump."


   A comatose crew

Opinion articles by Republicans denouncing Trump have become almost an art form in their own right. This week's entry to the genre comes from Abel Guerra, a Latino who worked in the White House for George W. Bush who is now begging his fellow Republicans to vote Trump out of office. Here's an extended excerpt, any portion of which could easily be a Democratic talking point this week.

Sept. 15 was the start of Hispanic Heritage Month -- a time that celebrates a community built on faith, family and a strong work ethic. We are teachers, doctors, lawyers, judges, members of the military, police officers and even astronauts. All contribute greatly to the United States.

The feeling is not reciprocated by today's Republican Party. It is no place for Latinos. We don't feel welcome in a party that condones racism and looks away while the president degrades our community and destroys America. The once-proud party of Lincoln, established to abolish slavery, has been transformed into a comatose crew brainwashed by white identity politics and narrow-minded nationalist nostalgia.

. . .

Republicans have lost control of the monster they helped create. Trump hasn't changed. From day one, Trump spewed his white-supremacist views, promising to halt the invasion of immigrants and spurring a rhetoric of resentment and retaliation against the "other." No matter our background, we have been vilified as invaders, marked as illegal and degraded as subhuman. The silence from prominent Republicans is deafening. They have allowed Trump to normalize bigotry and use it as a winning strategy for their benefit. They enabled him to turn racist rhetoric into racial conflict, dividing our nation.

. . .

And now, they have blood on their hands. The Walmart shooting in El Paso on Aug. 3 was the inevitable outcome of 30 straight months of hate speech coming from the White House. Fueled by the president's vitriol, a killer sought out immigrants to slaughter. The shooting isn't just a tragedy; it's a massacre, a direct hit against our community. Do not imagine we do not all feel the consequences. I have a friend who lives in Austin. She says she no longer feels comfortable going to a store to purchase diapers for her child.

. . .

Republicans need to dust off their moral compass and remember what they stand for -- and what they stand against. If they do not, they will lose Latinos forever and relegate themselves once more to minority status, likely unable to regain control of Congress or the White House again. If countering racism is not motivation enough for the GOP to act, perhaps its looming political demise will be.

The United States is a great country. Hispanic Heritage Month honors the contributions the community has made -- and will keep making -- to keep it that way. And without Trump, the United States will be even better.

-- Chris Weigant


All-time award winners leaderboard, by rank
Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant

Cross-posted at: Democratic Underground


202 Comments on “Friday Talking Points -- Ukraine-gate? MassiveTrumpCollusion-gate?”

  1. [1] 
    TheStig wrote:

    CW-Another outstanding Friday Talking Points Column!

    To be fair, Trump gave you a lot to work with this week, but you certainly worked it well. As Michelangelo was heard to say "this ceiling practically paints itself!"

    I completely agree with your Most Impressive Democrat Award. Warren is not just a top notch policy wonk, she has learned to be a first rate stump campaigner!

  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Should Burt Lancaster have apologized for wearing 'red face' while playing the title role in Jim Thorpe - All-American?

  3. [3] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    No Elizabeth, Burt should not have to apologize. It's the way things were done back then.

    I'm about as Libtard as they come, but Burt having to apologize would be a case of Political Correctness gone horribly overboard. IMO the two Liberal Overreaches that most annoy me are/were Political Correctness and forced school busing.

  4. [4] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Other than that I'm an FDR Democrat.

  5. [5] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    How far back should we go to say that apologies aren't necessary.

    I sure do hope that we don't get stuck with Trump-lite up here because of this.

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    We're in the midst of a brand-new breaking scandal -- one that's so new it hasn't even been assigned a "-gate" label yet. Ukraine-gate? Kiev-gate? MassiveTrumpCollusion-gate? As was entirely appropriate, Hillary Clinton

    Who?? Oh yea.. The twice LUSER.. :D

    had the pithiest tweet of the week: "The president asked a foreign power to help him win an election. Again."

    You mean, like Hillary asked Ukraine to get dirt on Trump???

    How come THAT is OK, but THIS isn't..

    Oh that's right.. HHPTDS.. :D

    Democrats, of course, are incensed.

    Oh come now.. When are Demcorats *NOT* incensed?? :^/

    I mean, HONESTLY....

    The other big news from the Middle East was that Benjamin Netanyahu lost an election.

    Not factually accurate..

    Speaking of Trump's delusions, he wasn't impressed with Elizabeth Warren's reported crowd size of 20,000 supporters who gathered to hear her speak in New York:

    What's to be impressed about??

    Are ya'all impressed with Trump crowds that are 5x that??

    Of course not..

    And here's a grim stat -- for the first time ever, in 2017, more Americans were killed by guns than by auto accidents.

    Not factually accurate..

    If we were Canadian, we'd obviously give this award to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, eh? Trudeau proved this week that white politicians with blackface photos in their past isn't a purely American problem.

    Eh.. Considering all the swooning ya'all did over Trudeau this is kinda milquetoast..

    But I'll take it.. :D

    You missed soo much, CW..

    All the court cases that Democrats have lost and President Trump has won...

    Democrats firmly on the GUN CONFISCATION bandwagon..

    And so much more...

    Oh well.. I guess that's what you have me here for.. :D

  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    How far back should we go to say that apologies aren't necessary.

    For the Democrat Party??

    It all depends on the -D/-R

    If it's a -R Democrats insist they go back to the day they were born...

    If it's a -D, anything past yesterday is perfectly acceptable..

    Gotta love the predictable Democrats.. :D

    Should Burt Lancaster have apologized for wearing 'red face' while playing the title role in Jim Thorpe - All-American?

    Of course not... But Democrats will condemn Burt because it should have been a Native American playing the part.. :D

    The last blackface in the movies I can recall was Robert Downey Jr in TROPIC THUNDER.. I recall there was mention of it, but it was fairly well received...

    The point with Trudeau is to compare and contrast the Left's reaction to Megan Kelley's blackface COMMENT and Trudeau's many MANY instances where he actually wore blackface...

    As usual, it's the hypocrisy...

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    Peter Schweizer: Trump right to question Biden dealings with Ukraine, despite Dem criticism

    If Joe Biden has nothing to hide, what's the big deal??

    Democrats didn't mind when Ukraine's help was enlisted by Hillary to find dirt on then Candidate Trump..

    So what's the big deal now??

    Ahhhh Because TRUMP is doing it... Gotcha.. {wink, wink}

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Today, millions of students went out "on strike" themselves, to bring attention to climate change. One leader of this movement, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, appeared before a congressional committee this week and humbly offered up a United Nations report on the crisis as her testimony: "I am submitting this report as my testimony because I don't want you to listen to me, I want you to listen to the scientists. I want you to unite behind science. And then I want you to take real action. Thank you." That's pretty impressive, we have to admit.

    Yea, but she only wants you to listen to the scientists that toe the global con that is global warming..

    I was going to mention this yesterday, but since you bring it up.. :D


    Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

    5 decades of hysterical fear-mongering bullshit that NEVER came to pass..

    Democrats REALLY need to get a new schtick.. This one is WAY WAY past it's shelf life...

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    A sample of insane and hysterical climate predictions..


    And yet, the FACTS prove that the average summer temps in Washington DC has been falling steadily...

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    1989: Rising seas to ‘obliterate’ nations by 2000

    1989: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019

    1995 to Present: Climate Model Failure

    2000: ‘Children won’t know what snow is.’

    2002: Famine in 10 years

    2004: Britain to have Siberian climate by 2020

    2008: Arctic will be ice-free by 2018

    2008: Al Gore warns of ice-free Arctic by 2013

    2009: Prince Charles says only 8 years to save the planet

    2009: UK prime minister says 50 days to ‘save the planet from catastrophe’

    2009: Arctic ice-free by 2014

    2013: Arctic ice-free by 2015

    2013: Arctic ice-free by 2016

    2014: Only 500 days before ‘climate chaos’

    And so on and so on and so on..

    I mean, HONESTLY... How can ANYONE believe this global warming con has even a SEMBLANCE of credibility??

    Ya'all DO realize that when the models and predictions don't match the theory, it's time to change or discard the theory..

    Ya'all know that THAT is the scientific method, right??


  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    Quite a bit ago, NASA and the NOAA got caught fudging and tweaking Temp data, to increase US temps..

    They said the data had to be fudged and tweaked because the weather stations were giving off false readings due to urban sprawl swallowing up the weather stations..

    This caused quite a bit of headache within NASA and the NOAA getting caught massaging the data to produce the desired result.

    So in 2004 they said, "Fine!! We'll build hyper accurate weather stations and place them ideally throughout the CONUS in perfect locations. THEN the warming shown will be uncontestable!!"

    So, NASA and the NOAA built 144 hyper accurate weather stations and scouted PERFECT locations where there would be NO DOUBT of the accuracy of the temp data..

    "That'll show 'em!!" They said...

    The system was deployed and came online in 2005..

    Now... 14 years later.. What does the data show??

    CONUS temps have not risen whatsoever... These hyper accurate well placed weather stations indicate that the temps within the CONUS have actually dropped slightly...

    This is a common occurrence within the global warming con...

    Same thing happened when satellite data started to be used.. SAT data ALSO showed no appreciable warming on the earth.. So, once again, the data had to be tweaked and fudged to get the desired result..

    Global Warming is a con...

    It is not scientifically accurate, nor based on FACTS and reality...

    It's a con.. Pure and simple..

  13. [13] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:

    I realize full well that etymology is not high on the list of things that Weigantians love to get worked up over, but Re the Sawyer person catching flack for using the word "retarded", it's interesting that "retarded" came into the language in its current form as an euphemism for the term "mentally handicapped".

    Seems the PC word police found "mentally handicapped" too severe, and demeaning because it implied an incurable degree of permanence, so they substituted "retarded", leaving open the implied possibility that it could perhaps someday be overcome.

    This illustrates the problem with euphemisms. Once the new term achieves universal acceptance, the PC police have to go on a campaign for an euphemism for the euphemism, the way "queer" replaced homosexual, which in turn had to be replaced by "gay", which someday will inevitably have to evolve into, who knows, maybe "nifty".

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:


    What I find funny is that no one here minded the word "retarded" when it's directed at President Trump.

    Many have actually USED the word or, by omission, made no comment when the word was used by others.

    Just another example of Democrat hypocrisy..

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    Just another example of Democrat hypocrisy..

    As if any further examples are really needed.. :D

    By the bi, CRS... Yer up early... :D

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    After teasing that this might be the week for White House action on gun safety legislation, Team Trump did a rather odd faceplant.

    At least, according to WaPoop, he did..

    But we both know how reliable WaPoop is when it comes to President Trump..

    Having said that, let me ask you (or anyone)..

    Since ya'all believe that 100% Background Checks (as opposed to 99.5% Background Checks) is the magic bullet that will prevent or help prevent Crowd Based Mass Shootings, then ya'all would agree to a 10-yr moratorium on any further gun laws if President Trump allows the 100% Background Checks to become law...


    I mean, you get your 100% background checks..

    THAT will fix the problem, right?

    No?? Well, gee.. If it won't address the problem, there simply is no sense in passing the law, eh??

    For the record, there has ***NEVER*** been an instance where a person legally obtained a gun without a background check and then used that gun to commit mass murder..


    So, it seems to me, as it would seem to ANY logical or rational person, that your WOULDN'T IT BE NICE law is basically designed to address a problem that doesn't even exist...

    But hay.. I am all about compromise..

    You support the 10-yr moratorium on new gun laws and Nationwide CCW Reciprocity and I'll support 100% Background Checks..

    Deal??? :D

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    Lets look at another source for all the hysterical fear-mongering predictions that Global Warming fanatics and their pet so-called "scientists" got wrong..

    1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
    1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
    1970: Ice Age By 2000
    1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
    1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
    1972: New Ice Age By 2070
    1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
    1974: Another Ice Age?
    1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
    1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
    1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
    1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
    1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
    1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
    1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
    1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
    1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
    2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
    2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
    2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
    2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
    2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
    2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
    2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
    2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
    2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
    2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
    1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
    1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
    1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
    1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
    1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
    1980: Peak Oil In 2000
    1996: Peak Oil in 2020
    2002: Peak Oil in 2010
    2006: Super Hurricanes!
    2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
    1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
    1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
    1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
    1970s: Killer Bees!

    Now, let's list all the predictions that Global Warming fanatics and their pet so-called "scientists" that were factually accurate..











    And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen

    The FACTS on Global Warming.. 42+ WRONG AND BULLSHIT predictions..

    And not a SINGLE accurate prediction..

    "These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed."
    -Captain Smilin' Jack Ross, A FEW GOOD MEN

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump Camp: 2020 Dems' Silence on Abortionist is 'Deafening'

    So, some Left Wing scumbag who was an abortion doctor, decided to take some odd 2200+ fetuses home with him as trophies....

    And the condemnation from Left???

    {{ccchhhiiirrrrrppppp}} {{ccchhhiiiirrrrpppp}}

    Let a few people get killed in a shooting and Left Wingers scream to the high heavens and lose their frakin' minds!!

    Let some baby killer take home 2200+ butchered baby trophies???

    "Ho hum.. {yaaaawwwnnnnn} What's for dinner?"

    Whacked.. Totally and unequivocally whacked...

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    “The silence from the 2020 Democrats on the finding of 2,000 fetal remains in the home of abortionist George Klopfer is deafening. In the immediate aftermath of a fake New York Times hit piece on Justice Kavanaugh, the 2020 Democrats found the time to immediately speak out and fan the flames of a story later delegitimized by its own authors. And yet the 2020 Democrats have not made time to condemn the gruesome hoarding of the remains of innocent children.”
    -Trump National Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany

    Democrat candidates continue to insure that they are un-electable...

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    President Trump has got a pretty impressive uptick in his approval numbers the last 2 weeks...

    Which begs the question..

    If President Trump is such a horrid and incompetent President......

    Why are President Trump's numbers BETTER than Obama's were at the same point in Obama's administration??

    Funny how no one can answer that question.. :D

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    In other words, Trump's not sure whether we're going to war or not because he has not received his marching orders from the Saudi king

    Not even close...

    President Trump is waiting for more facts to be available before he decides on a course of action..

    Isn't that what he SHOULD do..

    Reminds me of the time President Trump was planning a retalitory strike on Iran.. Neil went apeshit crazy, screaming and yelling that President Trump is going off half-cocked and going to start a war..

    Then, when President Trump called off the strike in favor of a more covert response, Neil slammed President Trump for NOT following thru with the attack...

    I miss Neil.. :D

    Anyways, ya'all could save yerselves a LOT of typing and just give a blanket response..

    "No matter WHAT President Trump does, we're against it. Even if we were FOR it yesterday, if Trump does it, we're against it. PERIOD"

    There.. Now ya'all don't have to ever mention President Trump again.. :D

    Yer welcome.. :D

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    And back in the FACTS NOT HYSTERICAL FEAR-MONGERING department..

    Homework for the climate strikers
    Does scientific evidence support the notion that ‘the Earth is dying’?

    Of course, the answer is NO...

    But stating the facts won't scare people, so Global Warming religious-esque fanatics go with the hysterical fear-mongering every time...

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    While it is tempting to think of today’s climate ‘strike’ by schoolchildren around the world as a case of truants finding an ethical excuse to skip lessons, I think many are acting for genuine reasons: they are traumatized. They are the reflection of the hyperbolic coverage of climate change by Al Gore, Hollywood and even, latterly, David Attenborough – films where footage of fires, hurricanes and calving glaciers is stitched together to give the impression of impending doom. How many of these kids know that hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones are a natural part of the tropical climate and were going on many millennia before significant man-made carbon emissions? I rather wonder.

    Any principal who values his or her students’ education will not turn a blind eye to today’s absences, still less join the kids for a march, as some are reported to be doing.

    Schools now forgo EDUCATION and opt for INDOCTRINATION...


  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    They will keep them behind after school and set them two papers to research and write. The first should answer the question: ‘Does scientific evidence support the notion that “the Earth is dying”?’ As for resources to answer that question, I point them towards the latest IPCC report as well as the data sources which feed into it. That would include Nasa data on sea ice in the Arctic, which shows a sharp retreat in recent decades, as well as satellite data from the same organization on wildfires – which shows a fall in the acreages burned in recent decades. They might also like to look at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organization’s report on hurricanes which last month concluded: ‘it is premature to conclude with high confidence that human activity – and particularly greenhouse warming – has already caused a detectable change in Atlantic hurricane activity.’

    FACTS... REALITY.... And even the IPCC report totally and completely decimates the idea that the planet is dying...

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Paper number two should be on the question: ‘What would it mean for the global economy if governments really did eliminate all carbon emissions by 2025?’ Given that this is the central demand of many of the climate strikers, this is a rather pertinent question.

    Resources for this essay might include, for example, data on the steel industry, which accounts for around seven percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, for which there is as yet no known means of decarbonization – and without which we cannot, for example, build wind farms, construct tractors to till the soil and many other things.

    Children should also be invited to consider how we might store energy generated exclusively by intermittent renewable means, how we would maintain global food production – for which they will need to look beyond the livestock industry, given that 13 percent of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions come from fertilizers and 10 percent comes from rice production.

    In addition, the students must answer this: if global food production did fall as a result of efforts to eliminate carbon emissions, which groups of the global population would suffer most?

    How we deal with climate change is, of course, a serious issue and deserves to be treated as such in schools as anywhere else. I challenge principals to set striking children essays along the lines I have described. I would be genuinely interested in reading the results

    That's the problem with Global Warming fanatics. They can't see past their fear-mongering bullshit..

    They can't see the consequences of their actions.. All they can see is their Party slavery agenda..

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    I am also surprised that the totally bullshit case of ANOTHER false accusation against Justice Kavanaugh didn't warrant at LEAST a dishonorable.. Personally I think it was a MUCH better choice for the MDDOTW rather than that lowly Democrat peon...

    Look at the reality... Democrats will NEVER be able to make another accusation against Kavanaugh without being laughed at and ridiculed...

    Once again, Democrats have manuevered themselves into the PERFECT Lose Lose situation..

    It's uncanny how Democrats are always able to do that....

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Case in point..

    Democrats Recalibrate as Kavanaugh Impeachment Fizzles...

    Democrats Recalibrate as Kavanaugh Impeachment Fizzles
    .By Susan Crabtree - RCP StaffSeptember 20, 2019
    Democrats Recalibrate as Kavanaugh Impeachment FizzlesAP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite
    At the beginning of the week the Democratic presidential field exploded with calls for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s impeachment.

    What a difference five days make.

    Two New York Times reporters titled their book at the center of the controversy “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh.” This week, the entire country received an education about the dangers of rushing to judgment over first media accounts of writers’ supposed bombshell allegations.

    Democrat candidates fell all over themselves trying to race all the other candidates to the bottom over the bullshit Justice Kavanaugh accusations..

    Then these same Democrat candidates have egg all over their faces when we come to find out exactly how lame and bullshit the accusations were...

    Once again, Democrats are their own worst enemies..

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    While Biden said the Times’ report raises “profoundly troubling questions,” he didn’t call for impeachment. Instead, he said, “we must follow the evidence wherever it leads.” In this case, Biden’s decades of Washington experience and prudence proved wise.

    The problem is, of course, no such evidence exists...

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    By the end of the week, CBS News was reporting some new, narrative-shifting revelations about the original Christine Blasey Ford sexual assault allegation that sparked the confirmation conflagration last year -- that all of four witnesses who were said by Ford to be at the house party where the alleged incident took place are now saying “no such party occurred.”

    Leland Keyser, Ford’s close high school friend who was allegedly at the party, was among those saying they thought it never took place, and she made a new charge -- that she was pressured by Ford’s allies to toe the line last year when the saga was playing out on the nation’s televisions, lest allegations of her “addictions” as an adult come to light.

    Ahhhhh Now we see how Dumbocrats REALLY play the game..

    By threats and coercion and extortion.. A pattern is becoming quite apparent..

    Things that make ya go.... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    Re-plowing the Kavanaugh terrain is a perilous prospect for both parties, though Republicans and President Trump have said they relish the thought.

    “There is no lost battle that Democrats won’t revisit in order to satisfy the extremists in their party,” Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh told the Washington Free Beacon.

    Even though the issue fires up the Democratic base, Republicans point to exit polling showing it played a decisive role in four Democratic senators’ losses in 2018 in Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota and Florida. Claire McCaskill, Joe Donnelly, Heidi Heitkamp and Bill Nelson all went down in defeat after voting to reject Kavanaugh.

    Liberal judicial activists woke up to this USA Today headline after Election Day 2018: “Democratic Senators lost in battleground states after voting against Kavanaugh.”

    Yea, Democrats.. Go ahead and push the ridiculous and unfounded Justice Kavanaugh accusations.

    I DOUBLE DOG dare ya.. :D

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    As Democrats Thrash, Trump Rises Above It All

    From fresh calls to impeach Brett Kavanaugh to far-fetched socialistic schemes, Democrats are handing the president the keys to a second term.

    As I said.. It's almost as if Democrats are TRYING to lose in 2020....

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    Just when it seems that the quality of the Democratic candidates and the ethical standards of the Democratic media might start to rebound to normal civilized levels (not a high bar since the days of JFK, LBJ, and Hubert Humphrey), they excavate new depths of inanity and unprofessionalism.

    I believe that the latest outburst against Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh will be seen as a significant milestone in the slide to perdition of the Democratic presidential nominating process and of that party’s lock-step media accomplices.

    The New York Times produced an allegation that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted a woman 30 years ago, and Senators Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and, even more predictably, the almost-brain-dead former congressman Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas), called for Kavanaugh’s immediate impeachment and removal.

    There was not the slightest question of waiting for the justice’s response or for any independent corroboration. The mere fact that the Times published a story alleging Kavanaugh had drunkenly assaulted someone 30 years ago, without any substantive details beyond hearsay, was enough to prompt three prominent Democrats to demand that Kavanaugh be ousted from the high court. Three candidates, bear in mind, who among them appear to have the combined support of 30 percent of their party’s base.

    Facts??? Democrats don't need no stinkin' FACTS.. They are ONLY about "truth"...

    THEIR truth, obviously.. :eyeroll:

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    Haven't done a Movie Review in a LONG while..


    Wife and I just watched it last night at home..

    AWESOME movie!! 5 of 5 stars...

    If you are even a mediocre fan of The Beatles (as I am) you will love it..

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:


    Captain Vincent Liberto
    Mandeville Police Department, Louisiana
    End of Watch: Friday, September 20, 2019

    And remind the few....
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak...

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    Cory Booker memo warns candidate may not be in race 'much longer' without fundraising boost

    Looks like Booker is gonna go bye bye..

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    "If the president is trying to pressure Ukraine into choosing between defending itself from Russian aggression without U.S. assistance or leveraging its judicial system to serve the ends of the Trump campaign, this would represent a staggering abuse of power, a boon to Moscow and a betrayal of the public trust."

    No more than it was when Odumbo used US Intelligence services and assets to spy on the opposing Party's campaign..

    -The Democrat Party

    Hard to get all worked up about it since it was Democrats who started us down this road..

    I would say that turnabout is fair play..

    Democrats wouldn't start none, there wouldn't BE none..

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    No more than it was when Odumbo used US Intelligence services and assets to spy on the opposing Party's campaign..

    I am sure with (maybe) a couple of exceptions, ya'all don't see it that way..

    But that's because your opinions are biased and tainted by Party loyalty & devotion..

    I don't suffer from such a malady as I am not beholden to any Party..

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    And this is a double edged sword for Biden..

    He wants to slam Trump for getting dirt from Ukraine..

    By doing so, he risks have the dirt released into the wild..

    Which is going to hurt him more..

    Trump getting the dirt.. Or the American public getting the dirt...

    And make no mistake.. Between Hunter and China and Ukraine??? There is PLENTY of dirt..

    Biden might find that his so-called "victory" is Pyrrhic at best..

    I know, I know.. It's hard for ya'all to think rationally and objectively while in the throes of HHPTDS..

    But you might want to learn..

    "This is not going to go the way you think it will."
    -Luke Skywalker

  39. [39] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    If he's going to be the most corrupt ever, Donald will have to win a second term and step up his game. Warren g. Harding still holds the title in my book.

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:

    If he's going to be the most corrupt ever, Donald will have to win a second term and step up his game.

    I am willing to bet that, of the Anti-Trump crowd here in Weigantia, you are the *only* one who DOESN'T think Trump is the most corrupt ever.. :D

  41. [41] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    Captain Vincent Liberto
    Mandeville Police Department, Louisiana
    End of Watch: Friday, September 20, 2019

    Do you not recognize that you spit in the faces of the fallen officers and their families when you lie about having ever been a member of law enforcement?!?!

    And remind the few....
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak...

    You posted this??? You??? Capt. Whorely, you dishonorable douche, don’t insult these families by claiming to be what you never were!

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    I would say that Obama was much more corrupt than President Trump.. It was Obama who made Executive Orders common place and thereby corrupting the checks and balances inherent in our system..

    Obama's "phone and pen" has done more to corrupt the Executive Branch than President Trump could ever HOPE to do..

    I am sure you will disagree.. :D

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, of course, Russ starts the flame wars anew.. :eyeroll:

    I wish I could say I was surprised.. But I am not.

    Well, I will not play his game today.. Have at it, Russ.. Be a jackass and a liar.. You're playing with yourself today..

  44. [44] 
    Patrick wrote:

    "Trump heads to UN with long list of deals he's yet to close"

    This ought to be good. The great "deal maker" who has not closed a deal in 2 1/2 years. What a scam.

  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:


    This ought to be good. The great "deal maker" who has not closed a deal in 2 1/2 years. What a scam.

    Facts to support???

    No?? Figgers... :eyeroll:

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    Woman who confronted Beto O'Rourke on gun confiscation plans: 'Shame on him' for exploiting 'our tragedies'

    Of course Democrats exploit tragedies to further their own unpopular and un-American agenda.

    Odumbo specifically STATED that Democrats "must politicize these tragedies"...

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    Speaking of the UN...

    Democrats LOVE the UN..

    Especially when the waste and corruption of the UN is responsible for TEN THOUSAND deaths with hundreds of thousands infected and impaired..

    GREAT JOB, UN!!??? :eyeroll:

    And to think Democrats STILL think the UN is the cat's meow..

    Shows the depravity and utter stoopidity of Democrats..

  48. [48] 
    Patrick wrote:

    "Facts to support"

    Here you go. Oh yeah... the Washington Post...sorry its not Fox News.

    What a joke this clown is.

  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    What a joke this clown is.

    Says the clown who shows a WaPoop article that doesn't have a LICK of fact in it.. :D


    It's not surprising yer a fan of the UN... :eyeroll:

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:


    Detective Joseph Paolillo
    New York City Police Department, New York
    End of Watch: Monday, September 9, 2019

    And remind the few...
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak

  51. [51] 
    Patrick wrote:

    Says the clown who shows a WaPoop article that doesn't have a LICK of fact in it.. :D

    Have you even read it???? Probably not.

  52. [52] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Our current administration absolutley needs to take a stand now, today and say we will honor the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States..
    We support our president. I love my president and I implore him: Please protect our Second Amendment. We elected you to do just that."

    -Lauren Boebert


    Now.. I will give credit where credit is due..

    When this patriotic American was reading Beto the riot act about his shameless use of American tragedies to further his unpatriotic and UN-AMERICAN Agenda, this brave American was verbally attacked and assaulted by hateful and intolerant Democrats.

    To Beto's credit, he DID yell at those hateful and intolerant Democrats to knock it off and let the woman speak..

    So, for showing class, Beto gets kudos from me..

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    Have you even read it???? Probably not.

    Of course I read it..

    NO RELEVANT FACTS whatsoever..

    Just a bunch of Trump/America hate...

    As per your usual...

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:

    Aww right.. My time now belongs to my beautiful lovely wife of almost 40 years....

    See ya'all in the morning..

    Try not to miss me TOO much..

    "Did you miss me!!"
    "With every shot so far..."



  55. [55] 
    Patrick wrote:

    Yeah I thought you would bail early. Too many Trump hate comments.

  56. [56] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    It's agonizingly early in the whistleblower tale. We don't know who it is yet, but we know who his lawyer is, and he knows whistleblower law inside and out.

    Trump can't keep obstructing Congress' every move, or something's gonna give. We're a democracy, or we're not.

  57. [57] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    And, of course, Russ starts the flame wars anew.. :eyeroll:

    I wish I could say I was surprised.. But I am not.

    Well, I will not play his game today.. Have at it, Russ.. Be a jackass and a liar..

    Run away! Run away! Put your fingers in your ears and keep repeating, “I cannot hear you!” “You cannot force me to tell the truth!”

    There is no “flame war” going on. You lied in your posts and to this board regarding being a self appointed authority on a subject matter based solely on your alleged years as a commissioned law enforcement officer. I called you on your lie. YOU then chose to attack me, attack my husband, attack our relationship, attack his years of service as an ACTUAL LEO when I pressed you to say whether you were lying or not!

    And please, point out where I am lying in this whole matter! YOU were the person who claimed that YOU had been an MP when you were in the military, but that YOU never worked as a commissioned law enforcement officer. I am repeating YOUR words to YOU.

    To lie, I would have to know that I am being dishonest in my statements. I am only repeating what you told me was the truth. At the very most, I am repeating misinformation that YOU lied to me about!

    By all means, tell us the truth! Did you lie to me when you claimed to have been a MP in the military? Did you lie to me about never having been a commissioned LEO? I am not going away, nor will I drop this matter that YOU are responsible for creating!

    So again, did you lie when you told me that you had never been a commissioned LEO or are you lying by insinuating that you were a commissioned LEO at any point in your life?

    Which is it???

    Hint: You should definitely read Florida’s law concerning falsely claiming to be law enforcement. Your local police department might be less forgiving than we would be to learning that you have lied!

  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:


    Yeah I thought you would bail early. Too many Trump hate comments.

    If you had more than 2 brain cells to rub together, you would realize that I, more or less, ALWAYS spend my evenings with my lovely wife, rather than with a low-life Trump/America hater like you.. :D

  59. [59] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's agonizingly early in the whistleblower tale. We don't know who it is yet, but we know who his lawyer is, and he knows whistleblower law inside and out.

    So, what yer saying is, ya'all don't have ANY FACTS..

    And yet, that doesn't stop ya'all from hating on and attacking President Trump over it.

    Color me shocked. :D

    Trump can't keep obstructing Congress' every move, or something's gonna give. We're a democracy, or we're not.

    And President Trump was the legally, freely, fairly and DEMOCRATICALLY elected President Of The United States...

    So, "We're a democracy, or we're not."

    Stop with the coup, eh..

  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:

    Russ says "blaa blaaa blaa blaa blaa"

    Michale laughs at Russ' silliness :D

  61. [61] 
    Michale wrote:

    I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about..

    If this is all factually accurate (which is a BIG IF considering all the HHPTDS) President Trump simply did what Odumbo did to Trump when Trump was the candidate..

    Why are ya'all so up in arms about it? Ya'all didn't mind it when Odumbo and Hillary tried to enlist foreign aid to get dirt on Trump??

    Yet, it's a heinous catastrophe when President Trump does the exact same thing???

    Stop the hysterical hypocrisy already.. :eyeroll:

  62. [62] 
    Michale wrote:


    Read 'em and weep, people.. :D

  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:

    And what's even MORE hilarious is that President Trump's approval rating is HIGHER that Odumbo's approval rating was at the same point..


    At this point in time, President Trump is a BETTER President than Odumbo was at the same point..

    Boy, ya'all must REALLY be embarrassed by the FACTS, eh?? :D

  64. [64] 
    Michale wrote:

    CW once said (I am paraphrasing here) that the level of Democrat insistence on impeachment would indicate a lack of confidence of actually beating President Trump at the ballot box..

    AOC calls out Dems for caution on Trump impeachment, signaling possible renewed feud with Pelosi

    Looks like Dems are getting nervous about the election again, eh?? :D

  65. [65] 
    Michale wrote:

    And a sad day indeed..

    Nog has just passed to that great Bank Vault in the sky... :(

    Aron Eisenberg, played ‘Nog’ on ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’ spinoff series, dies at 50

  66. [66] 
    Michale wrote:

    AOC calls out Dems for caution on Trump impeachment, signaling possible renewed feud with Pelosi

    And the Democrat Civil War heats up again.. :D

    Ya'all said something about Democrat unity??

    Apparently...... NOT... :D

  67. [67] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump can't keep obstructing Congress' every move, or something's gonna give. We're a democracy, or we're not.

    What 'obstructing'?

    President Trump heard that an American citizen is breaking the law and he went to the head of the country that may know something about it..

    How is that any different than Odumbo's FBI going to Russian intelligence agencies via a Foreign National to get dirt on President Trump???

    You people simply don't like that it's TRUMP whose doing.. Ya'all didn't have a problem with ODUMBO doing it.. :eyeroll:

  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay Patrick??

    Where did you go???

    Yea, I figured you would run away... Too many FACTS to prove ya'all's Trump/America hating comments wrong..


  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, according to Patrick and Russ "logic" (such as it is :eyeroll: ) everyone must have ran away.. :D


  70. [70] 
    Michale wrote:

    Speaking of people gone, whatever happened to Steedo??

    He makes some real life threats and then he disappears???

    Arrested?? Or maybe he made some real life threats against the wrong person and got his ass real life kicked... Hmmmmmmm :D

    Inquiring minds want to know....

  71. [71] 
    Michale wrote:

    As far as Democrats new shiny, this faux scandal...

    Democrats might want to be careful what they wish for..

    Ukraine could badly damage both Donald Trump and the Democrats

    Are Democrats ready to commit suicide and decimate their leading candidate, just for a shot at taking down President Trump??

    I mean, let's face the FACTS.. Democrats attempts to take down President Trump have miserably and utterly FAILED.. Especially in that President Trump has emerged STRONGER from the ashes..

    It's possible, nay likely, that Dumbocrats will mortally wound Biden and make President Trump even MORE strong...

    THAT would be the typical result from their coup attempts on President Trump..

  72. [72] 
    Michale wrote:

    “One of the biggest political scandals in history” and “bigger than Watergate.” Those were the words that Donald Trump used to describe allegations that an American president used his office to investigate the expected nominee of the opposing political party in 2016.

    Of course, three years ago, it was the investigation of Trump campaign associates for alleged foreign business deals and Russian influence. Now, President Trump faces the same condemnation for allegedly pressuring the Ukrainian president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, a request made when the United States was deciding whether to give $250 million in military aid to Ukraine.

    Scandals involving everything from paying off strippers to self-dealing have swirled around Trump for three years. I have challenged many of these allegations, given obvious defenses that would make prosecution or impeachment difficult. The latest scandal, however, could prove more damaging not just to Trump but to the Democrats.

    As we have seen, President Trump is the updated Teflon President... Nothing sticks to him..

    So, Democrats stand to lose a LOT more in opening up the Ukraine/Biden connection...

    Americans already know that President Trump is a weasel and plays fast and loose with rules and laws..

    But BIDEN...

    BIDEN and the Democrats claim they are BETTER than that...

    Apparently... NOT...

  73. [73] 
    Michale wrote:

    First, to state the obvious, if the president used his office to force another country to investigate a political opponent, it is just as serious as Trump previously described. That is why it was important to investigate the Obama administration allegedly targeting Trump associates, while also supporting the special counsel investigation of Trump.

    This latest allegation could be the basis for an impeachable offense as an abuse of power, as was done in the second article of impeachment against President Nixon. Yet much has to be established and, as usual, many in the political arena are dispensing with the need to see actual evidence, as in former secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro already declaring Trump a “criminal” and demanding that he “be impeached immediately.”

    In the most recent disclosures published by the Wall Street Journal, Trump is accused of pressing the Ukrainian president eight times to work with his attorney Rudy Giuliani to investigate Biden. There is no allegation of an express promise of money in exchange for such an investigation. Such a quid pro quo could be the basis for a criminal charge, but the current allegations are short of the “quid” in the “pro quo.”

    Once again.. The FACTS are far FAR outstripped by the hysteria of the Trump/America haters..

  74. [74] 
    Michale wrote:

    So where does this leave us? While the claim that such a conversation falls under the whistleblower statute is challengeable, Congress is now formally informed of a serious allegation of abuse of power. It could start to subpoena documents and witnesses, including a transcript of the conversation. Congress should be able to read such a transcript in light of the serious allegations. Ironically, the best hope for Trump remains the Democrats and, specifically, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

    Ever since before the 2018 midterm election, I have written that the impeachment push was a bait and switch on voters. Democratic leaders never had any actual intent to impeach Trump. They wanted him anemic but alive for the election. However, I noted that the great danger of pretending to want to impeach is that they accidentally stumble into an actual impeachment. Now, they may have stumbled over precisely such an offense while continuing to reassure their voters that, if they only had a clear case, they would move forward aggressively.

    It is a nightmare for Pelosi. The only thing worse would be succeeding in such an effort. A removed Trump would leave millions of enraged and energized Trump voters and an undamaged Republican nominee for the 2020 presidential election. To make matters worse, any impeachment proceeding would highlight the dubious business deals of Hunter Biden, reportedly had a penchant for making huge profits in countries where his father was conducting official government business.

    Once again, Democrats should be VERY CAREFUL on what they wish for...

    They may get ALL they wish for and then find it coming back to bite them on the ass...

    Given Democrats track record, such a result is not only feasible, but LIKELY..

    Democrats may inadvertently open Pandora's box and then find the monsters inside have a taste for Democrat ass....

  75. [75] 
    Michale wrote:

    This included Hunter accompanying the former vice president on Air Force Two on an official trip to China. Shortly thereafter, Hunter signed a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Bank of China, a deal that was later expanded to $1.5? billion. Hunter also was asked to be a director of a Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, owned by a government minister and close associate of bloodsoaked former president and Russian stooge Viktor Yanukovych. That is the same Yanukovych represented by disgraced Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in his own seedy international business deals.

    Critics have long pointed to the role Joe Biden played in getting the Ukrainian chief prosecutor fired after he threatened to investigate Burisma Holdings. Biden later bragged that he held up more than $1 billion in loan guarantees and gave the Ukrainians just hours to fire the prosecutor. In fairness to Biden, the United States and many countries were clamoring for Ukraine to act on its rampant corruption, including the need for a more aggressive prosecutor. Yet many experts, even the New York Times, have agreed that the business dealings of Hunter pose a serious conflict of interest for his father. Few people believe the Chinese or Ukrainians embraced Hunter because of his financial brilliance.

    Biden's hands are FAR from clean in Ukraine and China matters..

    Are Democrats willing to risk their #1 candidate for a shot to kill the King, remembering that if you try and kill the King, you better KILL the King...

    To date, Democrat "success" in such matters has been one failure after another...

    Democrats must choose.. But choose wisely...

  76. [76] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is all following a eerily similar pattern...

    Hysterical accusations from the Trump/America haters always peak at the 24-48 hr mark of any "scandal"...

    Then, once the FACTS emerge it's revealed that it's nothing big.. All the hulaballoo is for nothing...

    So, President Trump has already weathered his storm..

    But BIDEN'S storm is just beginning.. And it might cost Biden's son his freedom.... Biden has already lost one son to cancer.. Does he want to risk losing another son to prison???

    Again... Democrats really need to be careful what they wish for...

  77. [77] 
    Michale wrote:

    Goodwin: Comey and Baquet — united against Trump — have caused a nonstop feeding frenzy

    Among the casualties of our domestic political war is the abandonment of professional standards. For proof, consider how two of America’s premier institutions are being dragged through the mud because their leaders decided that standards are for other people.

    I speak of the FBI and The New York Times, and the men who damaged them, James Comey and Dean Baquet. It is no coincidence that Baquet’s newspaper became an errand boy for Comey’s corrupt team of G-men. Birds of a feather, you know.

    They were united against Donald Trump. Both tried to block him from becoming president, and both tried to get him removed. And are still trying.

    Comey and Baquet decided their agendas were more important than the time-tested rules of behavior that built the credibility of their respective institutions. Like arrogant leaders everywhere, they believed the end justified the means.

    The standards that Comey trashed are the ones the inspector general of the Justice Department, Michael Horowitz, cited in referring Comey for criminal prosecution. By writing memos about his meetings with Trump and leaking them to the Times, Comey created a “dangerous example” for other agents, Horowitz said.

    People suffering from HHPTDS simply can't think straight..

  78. [78] 
    Michale wrote:

    It began with the Times’ report of a new sexual allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Before the paper belatedly confessed the “victim” had no memory of any such incident, the charge provoked a gaggle of Democratic presidential candidates to call for Kavanaugh’s impeachment.

    Then, just as the mob started to realize there was no there there, a new media storm appeared, this one saying the president had made an alarming promise to a foreign leader.


    NYT under fire for 9/11 tweet saying 'airplanes took aim' at towers
    In an instant, the frenzy was back and some of the same jackals again lurched for the I-word. Sen. Elizabeth Warren even denounced fellow Dems, saying those opposed to impeachment were “complicit.”
    You don’t have to be a cynic to see a pattern. It’s a game, with news organizations competing to see which one can get the story that brings down the president, and other media and 2020 candidates piling on in knee-jerk fashion. It’s a rinse-and-repeat exercise.

    And what is so shameful is that ya'all (NEN) and the Democrats fall for the exact same process, hook line and sinker...

    There is not even a SEMBLANCE of "Hay, maybe we should really THINK this thru..".. It's full speed ahead to batshit crazy town...

    ANY person with a SHRED of intelligence would be EMBARRASSED by being fooled over and over and over again..

    Yet, the ones here seem to RELISH being made a fool of.. They EAGERLY pursue being made to look like morons..

    It's sad...

  79. [79] 
    Michale wrote:

    Indeed, the so-called whistleblower complaint recalls the early days of Trump’s presidency when Comey and other Barack Obama holdovers were poisoning the well. Even the word “whistleblower” suggests something untoward happened.

    But what? The media was in the dark but still the coverage took on tones of hysteria. They didn’t know the source of the complaint, the agency, the substance or any evidence.

    No matter. Their anonymous sources told them Trump did something bad, and most media believe it because they desperately want it to be true. Not incidentally, these sources almost certainly included Rep. Adam Schiff, the California Democrat who repeatedly promised there was evidence of Russia collusion.

    You would think he would no longer be considered credible, but you would be wrong. “A potentially explosive complaint,” roared Baquet’s paper on the top of Friday’s front page. The sense of impending doom came despite the same story saying “the allegation remains shrouded in mystery.”

    Do ya'all see how ya'all get fooled time and time again??

    It's 'fofeeve' and "Hurricane Dorian" and "russia collusion" and all the other "explosive" bullshit about Trump that NEVER goes the way Democrats want it to go..

    I mean, seriously.. How often do Democrats have to go batshit hysterically CRAZY and wind up with nothing but their dicks in their hands to show for it... How often does that EXACT thing have to happen before Democrats (and ya'all incidentally) take a step back and say "Hmmmmmmm We have been burned SO MANY TIMES in the past.. Maybe we should really think this one thru.."

    It's like ya'all WANT to be shamed and embarrassed...

    "Such masochistic tendencies likely indicates a deeper psychosis.."
    -Spock, MY ENEMY MY ALLY

  80. [80] 
    Michale wrote:

    Once again, it’s all about the narrative. The facts will catch up later, if ever.

    By late Friday, after Trump denounced the complaint as “a political hack job,” it was widely understood that the situation involved Ukraine. The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump had urged Ukraine’s president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

    Why this is so terrible escapes me. After all, there have been reports for months that Joe Biden used his VP office to pressure Ukraine’s former leader to fire a prosecutor who was probing a company that had ties to Hunter Biden. In a better world, the media would want the truth as much as Trump.

    If the past is prologue, the Ukraine frenzy will last a few days, a week at most, before it becomes clear the sky is not falling. But then a new frenzy will begin, then another after that one fades.

    Donald Trump is nobody’s idea of a saint, but his biggest sin remains winning the 2016 election. For that, he and America must be punished, the facts be damned.

    And Michael Goodwin brings it home!!!

    What IS the big deal?? President Trump wanted Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, an ally, to investigate criminal wrong doing by Hunter Biden..


    But, like Goodwin said.. This will last a week or so and then the hysterical Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party will do their damnedest to hide and bury that FACTS that prove Hunter Biden broke the law..

    And President Trump will emerge as strong as ever if not stronger and Joe Biden will have to contemplate seeing his son go to prison..

    Great Job, Dumbocrats... :eyeroll:

  81. [81] 
    Michale wrote:

    Another Week, Another Pseudo-Scandal

    Any investigation into what President Trump may have said to the president of Ukraine will involve an investigation into Joe Biden’s corruption. So, please, go ahead and air the dirty laundry.

    Democrats are stuck in a RINSE AND REPEAT cycle.. They are doomed to get all hysterical about a "scandal" only to have it blow up in their faces..

    Over and over and over and over again...

    Doomed to roam the earth desperate to find something.. ANYTHING that could put a dent in President Trump shields...

    And doomed to fail over and over and over and over again...

  82. [82] 
    Michale wrote:

    Spin the magic wheel: click, click, click, click, click—click—click: Ukraine! We’re all going to Ukraine!

    Another week, another pseudo-scandal fomented by anonymous anti-Trump actors in the “intelligence community” and fanned into attention-grabbing headlines by an impatient, irresponsible press.

    Can anyone keep them all straight? They rise like noxious bubbles from the cauldron of deep-state anti-Trump sentiment, only to pass away almost immediately, carried off by their own insubstantiality and the contrasting bright-light series of real achievements on the part of the Trump Administration.

    Just this last week, we saw the New York chapter of the left-over Left make a last-ditch effort to smear Justice Brett Kavanaugh by fabricating yet another spurious complaint that an 18-year-old Kavanaugh had been over-served and acted rudely to a fellow female student at Yale. Only the student in question had no memory of the incident.

    Like every other complaint against the teenaged Kavanaugh, it was a matter of “my cousin Ernie’s brother’s girlfriend heard from her college roommate that three people whose names she cannot remember told her best friend that someone who might have been Brett Kavanaugh was rumored to have exposed himself at a drunken white-privilege party at Yale 35 or maybe 36 years ago.” That was enough for the wretched New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly to take to the bank.

    Once again.. The question is begged...

    WHY do Democrats go so far overboard?? I mean.. HHPTDS explains a lot...

    But does it explain all of it??

    I mean, what force is at work that Democrats would take their dicks out of their pants, flop it on a table and the pound on it mercilessly with a hammer??

  83. [83] 
    Michale wrote:

    In fact, it was worse, for the fount of the rumor they published, without mentioning that the woman in question had no memory of the incident, wasn’t even your cousin Ernie; it was a Democratic Party activist named Max Stier. The dynamic duo did not mention the ideological coloration of their source, nor did they mention that Stier was part of Bill Clinton’s defense team when the priapic former president was endeavoring to extricate himself from l’affair Lewinsky without damaging any more cigars.

    In my view, the New York Times should send Pogrebin and Kelly to their Antarctica desk for about two decades, but then I believe that the entire paper should be forbidden from writing about anything but penguins for at least that long.

    The fact that the NY GRIME still has any credibility (at least according to the Hysterical Left Wingery) is a testament to the total hysterical nature of the Trump/America hater's psychosis..

    These morons will believe ANYTHING, as long as it puts Trump in a bad light..

    Sources say President Trump beamed up to the USS Enterprise (that is in orbit on a historical mission) and raped Yoeman Snnanagfashtalli

    Democrats would be ALL over that!! "OHMYGODS!!! Trump raped a yoeman on the Enterprise!!! He won't survive this scandal I am sure!!!

    Once again.. I wish ya'all could take a step outside yerselves and view with a dispassionate and objective eye..

    Ya'all would be abhorrent at how far many of you have sunk...

  84. [84] 
    Michale wrote:

    But, I digest..

    But back to the Ukraine. On Friday, the oyez, oyez, oyez boys in the press whipped up the big display type to announce that someone in the “intelligence community” (we don’t know whom) issued an official complaint that President Trump made a “promise” (we don’t know what) to an unnamed foreign leader that the complainant, whoever it is, found “troubling.” The Wall Street Journal connected the invisible dots thus:

    President Trump in a July phone call repeatedly pressured the president of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden’s son, according to people familiar with the matter, urging Volodymyr Zelensky about eight times to work with Rudy Giuliani on a probe that could hamper Mr. Trump’s potential 2020 opponent.

    “According to people familiar with the matter,” you see.

    Ahh yes. The infamous "anonymous sources"... Totally and utterly 1000% factual when pushing a hysterical Left Wing agenda..

    Completely and utterly bogus and bullshit if Democrats are implicated...

    And so it goes.... And so it goes.. :D

  85. [85] 
    Michale wrote:

    We do know that President Trump spoke to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25. Speaking for myself, I hope that he did bring up Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. Andrew McCarthy brings his usual no-nonsense common sense to the issue. “If,” McCarthy writes, Biden “used his political influence to squeeze a foreign power for his son’s benefit, that should be explored. Of course,” he continues, “Trump should not use the powers of his office solely for the purpose of obtaining campaign ammunition to deploy against a potential foe.” May I add, “Duh”? But here’s the thing:

    All presidents who seek reelection wield their power in ways designed to improve their chances. If Trump went too far in that regard, we could look with disfavor on that while realizing that he would not be the first president to have done so. And if, alternatively, the president had a good reason for making a reciprocal commitment to Ukraine, that commitment would not become improper just because, collaterally, it happened to help Trump or harm Biden politically.

    This is a good example of what David Hume called “the calm sunshine of the mind,” and I like to see it. I wish it were in evidence more broadly.

    You won’t find that calm sunshine anywhere near the revving outrage machine of the anti-Trump media or the clown car precincts of the U.S. House of Representatives. Nope, for the next week or so, until it collapses on the miasma of its own fatuousness, expect screaming headlines and stories by Max Boot asking, “Is Trump finally finished?”

    Once again, there is no 'there' there.. It's another NOTHING BURGER, a specialty of the Democrat Party Diner..

  86. [86] 
    Michale wrote:

    Stepping back for a moment from that snarling imbroglio, I do wonder whether the latest “Trump abused his powers, let’s impeach him!” gambit is not rather an impressive deployment of a rhetorical-political gambit known as the “preemptive tu quoque I-tagged-you-first” strategy. The media and anti-Trump commentariat is jumping up and down in unison saying, “Trump is leaning on a foreign power in order to gain a political advantage.”

    But what is that charge cover for? A chap called Robert Barnes, writing on Twitter, reminds us of a pertinent fact. “The same Democrats who used all the powers of the Presidency to spy on an opposing campaign, and continue to use every power of the House to invade the privacy of the President, are deeply offended that Trump would want corruption investigated involving a former Vice President?” That’s what Latinists called a nonne question, one that expects the answer “Yes.”

    To my mind, the real issue here is not what President Trump may or may not have said to the Ukrainian president. It is rather the ostentatious corruption of Hunter Biden, aided and abetted by Joe Biden when he was vice president.

    Once again, the question has to be asked??

    Trump asked a fellow foreign President for corruption information on Hunter Biden??


    And the SECOND question that needs to be asked is, WHY are Democrats pushing this, knowing full well that it would DESTROY Joe Biden??

    Anyone?? Anyone?? Beuhler???

  87. [87] 
    Michale wrote:

    Now, let's take a look at Hunter Biden..

    I’ll come to Hunter Biden’s excellent Ukraine adventure with his dad. But first, let’s back up and accompany him to China, where Biden fils had some very lucrative business dealings. The great Peter Schweitzer was on the case. “In December of 2013, Hunter Biden flies on Air Force 2 to Beijing, China, with his father,” Schweitzer noted.

    His father [then vice president of the United States] meets with Chinese officials, he’s very soft on Beijing. The most important thing that happens [takes place] 10 days after they return. And that’s when Hunter Biden’s small, private equity firm called Rosemont Seneca Partners gets a $1 billion [that’s “billion” with a “B,” kemo sabe] private equity deal with the Chinese government, not with the Chinese corporation, with the government. And what people need to realize is Hunter Biden has no background in China. He has no background in private equity. The deal he got in the Shanghai free-trade zone, nobody else had—Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Blackstone, nobody had this deal.

    Some people have all the luck.

    "What's the big deal?" ya'all ask??

    Change the name Hunter Biden to Donald Trump Jr and then see if you can ask the same question with a straight face...

    Yea.. That's what I thought...

    If Democrats pursue this, Joe Biden's son is going to prison..

    It's that simple..

  88. [88] 
    Michale wrote:

    Once again, Peter Schweitzer has the goods. The punditocracy is pretending to be shocked, shocked that President Trump should ask the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine. But he would be derelict in his duty not to.

    As has been reported previously, but then swept under the proverbial tapestry and into the oubliette, in 2014, while Joe Biden—still the vice president—was overseeing America’s Ukraine policy, chip-off-the-old-block Hunter became involved with a “controversial” (code for “corrupt”) Ukraine natural gas company. President Trump’s critics are skirling that he is trying to collect “dirt” on Joe Biden for his own political advantage. But, Schweitzer asks, what sort of “dirt” would that be?

    Therein hangs a tale and it’s name is “Burisma,” the aforementioned natural gas company that, until several months ago, employed Hunter Biden. Schweitzer explains:

    In April 2014, Hunter Biden agreed to join Burisma’s board of directors, ostensibly to advise on legal issues, The New Yorker reported. Biden had no known expertise on the natural gas industry, but Burisma was certainly in need of help.

    Earlier that month, British officials had frozen the London bank accounts of Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, and soon after, Ukrainian officials opened their own corruption investigation into Burisma, the Kyiv Post in Ukraine reported.

    Hunter Biden helped to recruit a legal team for Burisma, including former Obama administration Justice Department official John Buretta and several American consulting firms, the New York Times reported.

    The younger Biden was well compensated for his efforts. Records obtained by the Government Accountability Institute show he was paid as much as $83,333 per month for his work at Burisma.

    Nice work if you can get it, and good old Hunter Biden seems to be an ace at picking up that sort of work. I wonder how he does it?

    I am sure Daddy's connections have NOTHING to do with Hunter Biden's "luck"..

    On the other hand, if we change Hunter's name to Donald Jr.... Well, you can see the logic of where I am going, eh?? :D

  89. [89] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, ya'all are "concerned" that President Trump ALLEGEDLY used pressure to coerce Ukrainian President for dirt on Biden...

    It almost goes without saying that Hunter Biden denies any wrongdoing, says he had no role in the investigation, and that he and dear old dad never spoke about the company. But here (again, courtesy of Peter Schweitzer) are some thought-provoking, ah, coincidences:

    On April 16, 2014, Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner, made a private visit to the White House for a meeting with Vice President Biden.

    Five days later, on April 21, Joe Biden landed in Kiev for a series of high-level meetings with Ukrainian officials.
    Soon thereafter, the United States and the International Monetary Fund pumped more than $1?billion into the Ukrainian economy.

    The next day, there was a public announcement that Archer had been asked to join the board of Burisma.
    Three weeks after that, on May 13, it was officially announced that Hunter Biden would join, too. Like Hunter Biden, Archer had no background or experience in the energy sector.

    In March 2016, Ukrainian officials fired Viktor Shokin, the controversial prosecutor general whose office was overseeing the investigation into Burisma.

    Six months later, the Burisma case was dropped entirely.

    According to Joe Biden himself, the former vice president played a key role in the prosecutor’s dismissal.
    How? Easy-peasy. In March 2016, Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loans if Shokin was not fired.

    This wasn’t just “reported” by a “source.” It came right from Biden himself. In a 2018 speech, he bragged, “I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

    What about VP Biden using pressure to coerce the Ukrainian AG to fire someone who was investigating Hunter Biden..

    And we don't have to even rely on ANONYMOUS SOURCES for this FACT..

    Joe Biden HIMSELF stated that THAT is exactly what he did..

    You see ya'all's problem?? Joe and Hunter Biden are NECK DEEP in this "scandal"...

    In yer zeal to take down Trump, you are going to mortally wound your OWN best shot at taking down President Trump..

    And ya'all are so blissfully unaware at how MORONIC this is.. :D

  90. [90] 
    Michale wrote:

    Apparently, I have "scared" everyone away.. :D

    I'll take a break and let ya'all catch up... :D

  91. [91] 
    Michale wrote:

    Apparently, I have "scared" everyone away.. :D

    Actually, I think the more appropriate term would be...

    -Mortal Kombat


  92. [92] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:

    Might as well face up to reality, Weigantians. People go int politics ("public service") for one reason and one reason only - because it's the easiest and the best path to personal enrichment.

    Rather than expressing fake shock and moral dismay when we rediscover that eternal truth, why not just be realisticly cynical about it and quit pretending.

  93. [93] 
    Michale wrote:

    Might as well face up to reality, Weigantians. People go int politics ("public service") for one reason and one reason only - because it's the easiest and the best path to personal enrichment.

    Ever see the Eddie Murphy movie, THE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN?? :D

  94. [94] 
    Michale wrote:

    Actually I disagree..

    I honestly and truly believe that, initially, people do enter government/political service actually to serve the people and their country..

    It's just that the system is so corrupt, they soon learn that they have to play the game.. Then they come to discover that they can make a buttload of money by playing the game well..

  95. [95] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    i think you're both right. both of those types of creatures co-exist in the current habitat.

  96. [96] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    @michale [60-93]

    well you're in fine form today. gearing up for the holiday push?


  97. [97] 
    Michale wrote:

    well you're in fine form today. gearing up for the holiday push?

    Yep... :D

    Gonna be a FUN fundraiser this year... :D

    Hope I can count on everyone here to push my buttons.. :D

  98. [98] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, in earth-shattering news....

    U.S. Democrat Schiff says Trump's Ukraine call could justify impeachment

    Schiff-head (and ANY OTHER Trump/America hater) thinks that President Trump farting justifies impeachment.. :eyeroll:

    President Trump winning the election..

    THAT is, to Democrats, what "justifies" impeachment..

  99. [99] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    the trouble with corruption is that no matter how many supposed safeguards are arrayed against it, the basest force of political gravity always has and always shall draw power to those who use it selfishly. that's why the "swamp" exists, and why anyone who promises a simple solution for it is probably fooling you, themselves, or both.

    "this town needs an enema."
    ~jack nicholson (the joker), batman

  100. [100] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    which incidentally is why pie-based voting is such an outstanding idea. it might not work right away, but at least it will leave a pleasant taste in your mouth :)

    so howbout it CW? the time has come for you to sponsor a column based on pie!

  101. [101] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Mike [90-91]: So, so far you have the name of a Ukranian company, and that Hunter Biden worked at that company. You have the name of a prosecutor, who stopped looking into that company. And from that, they want to create a scandal?

    Well, they did, but it didn't go as planned.

    This is what happens when the adults are systematically removed from the White House. The Left is having its quadrennial fun with this. I'm gonna concentrate on voting these guys out of office.

  102. [102] 
    Michale wrote:

    Mike [90-91]: So, so far you have the name of a Ukranian company, and that Hunter Biden worked at that company. You have the name of a prosecutor, who stopped looking into that company. And from that, they want to create a scandal?

    Change Hunter Biden to Donald Trump JR and ya'all would be SCREAMING scandal..

    Don't deny it, we both know it's true.

    Well, they did, but it didn't go as planned.

    So, you don't have a problem with a VP using his influence to get his son a BILLION dollar contract that was NOT earned??

    Of course you don't. But ONLY because it was a DEM VP..

    You want to make a wager that Hunter Biden will be prosecuted??

    No??? Didna think so.. :D

    The Left is having its quadrennial fun with this.

    Yea.. Just like they had with Russia Collusion. :D

    Didn't work out too well for ya, eh?? :D

    I'm gonna concentrate on voting these guys out of office.

    Concentrate all ya want. Once the Ukraine/China/Biden connection is exposed, Democrats will be lucky to be elected county Dog Catcher..

  103. [103] 
    Michale wrote:

    Mike [90-91]: So, so far you have the name of a Ukranian company, and that Hunter Biden worked at that company. You have the name of a prosecutor, who stopped looking into that company. And from that, they want to create a scandal?

    Obviously, you didn't even READ anything about what is going on..

    Willful ignorance.. It's the Democrat way...

  104. [104] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I'm not reading all the comments above but, I hope you're not saying that what Biden, the Obama administration, the EU, reformers in Ukraine, and the World Bank did is the same as what Trump is alleged to have done, are you?

  105. [105] 
    Michale wrote:

    I'm not reading all the comments above but, I hope you're not saying that what Biden, the Obama administration, the EU, reformers in Ukraine, and the World Bank did is the same as what Trump is alleged to have done, are you?

    I am not saying anything.. I merely relay the FACTS that the Obama Administration (of which Biden was part of) did the exact thing to Trump that President Trump is being accused of...

    As far as Biden goes, there is plenty of evidence of impropriety with regards to VP Biden and Hunter Biden vis a vis China and Ukraine...

    All of THAT will come out, should Democrats pursue this Ukraine thing...

    If you DO take the time to read all the comments above (which, as I said, are FACTS) you will learn the facts and the reality..

  106. [106] 
    Michale wrote:

    But, it's OK..

    I don't expect ya'all to see the facts.. But they will come out nonetheless... :D

  107. [107] 
    Michale wrote:

    Doomed, delusional, divided and corrupt: How the Democratic Party became a haunted house

    Conflicted about ideology and identity and deeply compromised by history, the Democratic Party is built to lose

    Well, how about that.. Someone at SALON gets it.. :D

  108. [108] 
    Michale wrote:

    Face to face with what looks an awful lot like the rise of American fascism, the Democratic Party has a historic opportunity — and a historic responsibility. It has repeatedly proven itself to be unequal to the task, to a comic and pathetic degree.

    Democratic congressional leaders, Democratic presidential candidates and the party’s true-blue believers keep wandering through familiar patterns, like someone in a dream state out of a Kafka story or a surrealist film, clinging to the fading hope that this time around the nonsensical narrative will reach a satisfactory resolution. If you tried to design a center-left political party trapped between the traditions of social democracy and classical liberalism, unclear about its core beliefs and equally terrified by both its most vicious opponents and its most ardent supporters — in other words, a party perfectly positioned to capitulate to tyranny with nothing more than a few disapproving whimpers — I hardly think you could do better than the one we’ve got.

    WOW.. This SALON author NAILS the Democrat Party perfectly.. :D

  109. [109] 
    Michale wrote:

    "It's so hard to find a straight man who is confident enough to compliment me on my looks.."
    -Caitlyn Jenner

    "Nice balls."
    -President Donald Trump


    Now THAT was funny!! :D

  110. [110] 
    Michale wrote:


    Here are some interesting points to think about prior to 2020, especially to my friends on the fence, like moderate Democrats, Libertarians and Independents and the never Trump Republicans and those thinking of "walking away" from the Democratic party.

    Women are upset at Trump’s naughty words -- they also bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray.

    Not one feminist has defended Sarah Sanders. It seems women’s rights only matter if those women are liberal.

    No Border Walls. No voter ID laws. Did you figure it out yet? But wait... there's more.

    President Trump’s wall costs less than the Obamacare website. Let that sink in, America.

    We are one election away from open borders, socialism, gun confiscation, and full-term abortion nationally. We are fighting evil.

    They sent more troops and armament to arrest Roger Stone than they sent to defend Benghazi.

    60 years ago, Venezuela was 4th on the world economic freedom index. Today, they are 179th and their citizens are dying of starvation. In only 10 years, Venezuela was destroyed by democratic socialism.

    Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But Trump was the one investigated!

    Nancy Pelosi invited illegal aliens to the State of the Union. President Trump Invited victims of illegal aliens to the State of the Union. Let that sink in.

    A socialist is basically a communist who doesn’t have the power to take everything from their citizens at gunpoint ... Yet!

    How do you walk 3000 miles across Mexico without food or support and show up at our border 100 pounds overweight and with a cellphone?

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wants to ban cars, ban planes, give out universal income and thinks socialism works. She calls Donald Trump crazy.

    Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones to get her to go away. I don’t remember the FBI raiding his lawyer’s office.

    I wake up every day and I am grateful that Hillary Clinton is not the president of the United States of America.

    The same media that told me Hillary Clinton had a 95% chance of winning now tells me Trump’s approval ratings are low.

    “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”— Margaret Thatcher

    Maxine Waters opposes voter ID laws; She thinks that they are racist. You need to have a photo ID to attend her town hall meetings.

    President Trump said — "They’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in their way."

    SOME Hollywood celebrities actually have more than 2 brain cells to rub together...

    Funny how those ones are ALL Trump voters.. :D

  111. [111] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Your "facts" routine has run its course. I'm bored by it.

  112. [112] 
    Michale wrote:

    Your "facts" routine has run its course. I'm bored by it.

    Yea, I know it's so boring...

    But hay... Liven things up and try to REFUTE the facts.. :D

    Bonus points for using facts to refute my facts.. :D

    This could keep us entertained for HOURS!!! :D

  113. [113] 
    Michale wrote:

    If you need to 30 rounds to hunt, you suck at hunting
    -Conventional Democrat "wisdom"

    "If you need a disarmed society to govern, you suck at governing"
    -Reality Truism


    More facts...

    "Sauce for the goose"
    -Captain Spock

  114. [114] 
    Michale wrote:

    Where HAS Neil gone... The Hysterical Trump haters are missing one of their best singers.. :D

  115. [115] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Capt. Whorely

    Wow! I have to say that I have never seen you so desperate to avoid discussing your claimed FACTS in all my years on this board!

    Your rush to post as many distractions as you could to bury your cowardly response to my request that you clarify whether you have ever actually served as a commissioned law enforcement officer at any point in your life — as you claim — is so obvious that pathetic does not even begin to do your cowardliness justice.

  116. [116] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    As of now, acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire is still refusing to forward the whistleblower’s complaint to the congressional intelligence committees, even though the inspector general deemed it an “urgent concern” and “credible,” triggering a statutory requirement that he do so.

    The Justice Department has advised Maguire not to follow this directive, asserting that the matter falls outside the parameters of the statute, because the subject of the complaint supposedly doesn’t concern activity within the DNI’s purview.

    But the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, has now sharply disputed this, claiming that the complaint “relates to one of the most significant and important of the DNI’s responsibilities to the American people."

    Strange how conservatives fail to mention these little facts in their reporting of the story!

  117. [117] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    did you READ that salon article?

    the relationship between our two major parties has become asymmetrical: Democrats cling to norms and standards of a bygone era, Biden-style, and also, by their nature, are driven by principles of dialogue, reasoned discourse and compromise. LOL! Republicans are totally over that shit, and have gone full-on ruthless culture war, a dynamic explored by Salon's Amanda Marcotte in her book "Troll Nation": They know they can’t win a fair fight on issues and policies, but when it comes to semiotic battles rooted in racism, nationalism and cultural division, they consistently hold the upper hand.

  118. [118] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    admittedly it's a tough argument to refute. as i see it, the only way to effectively refute it is to put joe "norms and standards of a bygone era" biden in the white house.

  119. [119] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    That'll do it. :)

  120. [120] 
    Michale wrote:

    Capt. Whorely

    Evidently, Russ is still on the 3rd grade playground.. :D

  121. [121] 
    Michale wrote:

    Strange how conservatives fail to mention these little facts in their reporting of the story!

    The FACT is, conversations between President Trump and another world leader is the EPITOME of Executive Privilege and is not subject to whistleblower statutes..

  122. [122] 
    Michale wrote:

    admittedly it's a tough argument to refute. as i see it, the only way to effectively refute it is to put joe "norms and standards of a bygone era" biden in the white house.

    The bygone OBAMA era..

    And we know how bad the country tanked during THAT era..

    Who in their right mind would want to that mess??

  123. [123] 
    Michale wrote:

    The push by Trump and his personal attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani, to influence the newly elected Ukrainian leader reveals a president convinced of his own invincibility — apparently willing and even eager to wield the vast powers of the United States to taint a political foe and confident that no one could hold him back.


    That sounds EXACTLY like OBAMA...

    Uncanny!! :D

  124. [124] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, I guess I scared Patrick away so much, he ain't NEVER coming back!! :D

  125. [125] 
    Michale wrote:

    Another GLORIOUS Monday in the land of Weigantia.. :D

    I wasn't able to post so much yesterday, being a workday and all.. But today...???

    Today, ya'all have my undivided attention!!

    Won't it be grand!!?? :D

  126. [126] 
    Michale wrote:


    Deputy Sheriff Chris Hulsey
    Meade County Sheriff's Office, Kentucky
    End of Watch: Saturday, September 21, 2019

    And remind the few...
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak.....

  127. [127] 
    Michale wrote:

    If Dem party doesn’t call for investigation of Bidens’ millions from Ukraine and billions from China, they will own it. Bidens’ made big money selling public office. How could Obama have allowed this to happen? Will Dems continue to condone and enable this kind pay-for-play?
    -Rudy Guilani

    Yep... Democrats may singe President Trump a bit..

    But they are going to burn their own house to the ground..

  128. [128] 
    Michale wrote:

    And in the YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP department..

    Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says

    California Rep. Devin Nunes predicted on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" that Joe Biden's campaign is likely coming to an end -- all because of newly resurfaced reports about his possible misconduct in Ukraine that "first originated back when Hillary Clinton was trying to make sure Biden didn’t get in the race."

    The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee made the claim as The Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom poll showed Sen. Elizabeth Warren surging ahead of Biden as the first choice of 22 percent of the voters surveyed, while Biden was the first choice of 20 percent of the voters. Biden held a 9-point lead over Warren in the poll as recently as June.


    We have history repeating itself..

    Just as it was Hillary who brought to the forefront the Obama Birther nonsense..

    It was ALSO Hillary who brought up the Joe Biden/China/Ukraine debacle.. :D

    So, when the Biden campaign is decimated and mortally wounded, ya'all can thank Hillary.. :D

  129. [129] 
    Michale wrote:
  130. [130] 
    Michale wrote:

    Column: Beto O’Rourke’s boneheaded call for confiscating guns

    In an IQ contest with Beto O’Rourke, I would guess, Donald Trump would finish a distant second. But in tweeting Wednesday that, when it comes to gun legislation, “Dummy Beto made it much harder to make a deal,” Trump actually had a point.

    The president was referring to O’Rourke’s comments on AR-15 rifles during the Sept. 12 Democratic presidential debate. The general Democratic Party consensus is to forbid the sale, manufacture and import of “assault weapons,” with the federal government offering to buy back those already in existence. But O’Rourke is not willing to stop there. He wants to require all current owners to hand them over.

    Asked, “Are you proposing taking away their guns?” he was moved to make the stirring proclamation: “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.”

    It was a thunderous vindication of the paranoia that afflicts a segment of the gun-owning population. Barack Obama ran in 2008 promising not to take away anyone’s firearms, and he was true to his word. Gun fanatics accused him and his party of plotting to do just that, though, and O’Rourke has given them the — what’s the term? — smoking gun.

    I just don't understand how Democrats could be so completely and utterly STOOPID in their gun confiscation craze...

    In the aftermath of the 1994 {sic} "Assault Rifle" ban, Democrats were DECIMATED and totally thrown out of office en masse...

    Again, it's as if Democrats WANT to be blown away in the 2020 Election...


  131. [131] 
    Michale wrote:

    Joe Biden hasn’t helped. Asked in August about the suspicion that, if elected, he would take away guns, he blurted: “Bingo! You’re right, if you have an assault weapon." Realizing his gaffe, Biden backtracked, saying he didn’t favor confiscation. But the National Rifle Association will ensure that the first remark will live forever.

    For Democrats to say they want to seize a class of common firearms is the equivalent of a homeowner who, failing to get her asking price, decides to triple it. Or maybe it’s the equivalent of losing a U.S. Senate race and then deciding you should run for president.

    You people simply are not able to understand the 2nd Amendment and how it is an impediment to ya'all's gun confiscation plan..

    "But! But!! But!!! The 1994 Assault Rifle Ban!!!!" ya'all would say..

    Go ahead.. Say it.. I'll wait..


    Got that out of your system??

    The {sic} assault rifle ban was so flawed and impotent, it wasn't WORTH it to take it to the SCOTUS to nullify it..

    All rifles covered under the ban were grandfathered in.. If ya already had those rifles, they were perfectly legal to own and use..

    For new manufacturer or import?? There were RIDICULOUS "rules" to the ban..

    For example, the ban stated that a rifle could not have the bayonet mount underneath the flash suppressor of the rifle..

    So, manufacturers simply manufactured the EXACT same rifle without the bayonet mount..

    THEN the rifle was **PERFECTLY LEGAL**!!!

    The 1994 rifle ban was a joke and, as a joke, it wasn't worth the trouble to have it overturned and ruled unconstitutional...

    This is the ONE overriding fact and ya'all better get used to it..

    There is not a gun ban law possible that will pass Constitutional muster...

    ESPECIALLY in today's political climate..

    It WON'T happen..

    Get used to that fact..

  132. [132] 
    Michale wrote:

    If there is anything gun control advocates have learned in the past 25 years, it’s that incremental change is extremely hard and anything more is impossible. In 1994, a federal assault weapons ban became law, but no significant federal gun control bill has passed since then. Supporters of the ban couldn’t even get it renewed when it expired in 2004.

    After the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012, Obama proposed a modest change: requiring a background check for all gun sales. Though his party controlled the Senate, he was unable to muster the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster, and the bill died.

    Come 2021, a Democratic president would do well to get that obvious reform enacted. A more ambitious step, such as a ban on new assault weapons, is probably beyond reach.

    As I have said before, and NO ONE has been able to refute...

    If the political climate wouldn't allow significant anti-gun legislation after Sandy Hook, nothing will...

    Ya'all will NEVER get your gun ban.. Ya'all MAY get your 100% background checks (sans family members). It's nothing but a throwaway WOULDN'T IT BE NICE LAW, but ya'all are going to have to compromise to get it.

    A national CCW Reciprocity or a moratorium on future gun laws or something...

    But a ban on rifles, shotguns or handguns??

    It will never happen in our lifetime..

  133. [133] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yet O’Rourke wants to leapfrog these options and focus on taking away guns that have long been legal. His demand is only likely to convince a lot of people that any gun control measure, no matter how modest, would be confiscation on the installment plan.

    And where is the need for confiscation, anyway? It would affect only gun owners who have shown zero propensity to commit crimes, much less mass shootings, with their AR-15s. A ban on the manufacture, import or sale of these firearms, however, would prevent any person who doesn’t already have an AR-15 from legally acquiring one. So aspiring mass shooters would find it much harder to get them.

    Not that I would favor such a measure, because gun-makers will find ways to modify their products to comply with the letter of the law — as they did after 1994. The legal market would continue to offer an array of firearms functionally identical to the banned ones.

    Yep... Yep... Yep...

    The ONLY thing this gun confiscation push by the 2020 Dem candidates has done is solidified in the minds of undecided Americans that Democrats DO, indeed, want to take law abiding Americans' firearms...

    And history will repeat itself and Democrats will be decimated in Nov of 2020....

    "These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed."
    -Captain Smilin' Jack Ross, A FEW GOOD MEN

  134. [134] 
    Michale wrote:

    One restriction that would serve a noncosmetic purpose is a limit on the size of magazines, to force mass shooters to reload. Even that rule would probably be ineffectual, because switching out magazines is a quick process, not one that gives potential victims much time to subdue their assailant. That said, the imposition on gun owners — a group that includes me — would be trivial.

    Small victories may be uninspiring, but not as much as defeat. O’Rourke’s provocative position makes sense as part of the melodramatic journey of personal discovery he seems to be on. But for those who would like to pass any gun regulations, it amounts to friendly fire.

    And Independents and NPAs and patriotic Americans will remember in 2020 the source of that friendly fire.....

    AND vote accordingly...

  135. [135] 
    Michale wrote:



    did you READ that salon article?

    Tell ya what..

    I'll comment on your quoted portion after ya comment on mine...

    Fair?? :D

  136. [136] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    The “Tool Man” on the MAN FOOL...

    Women are upset at Trump’s naughty words -- they also bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray.

    What a ridiculous comparison. Trump is a self-proclaimed practitioner of sexual assault, but women should be OK with that if they enjoy reading sexually erotic that it?

    Not one feminist has defended Sarah Sanders. It seems women’s rights only matter if those women are liberal.

    Defended Sarah Sanders from what? Which women’s right has Sarah been denied? If Sarah wants to live out the rest of his life as a man, I support his decision.

    No Border Walls. No voter ID laws. Did you figure it out yet?

    Yeah, Tim’s back on the Peruvian marching powder! Who am I kidding? He was never off of it!

    60 years ago, Venezuela was 4th on the world economic freedom index. Today, they are 179th and their citizens are dying of starvation. In only 10 years, Venezuela was destroyed by democratic socialism.

    Wait... so nothing happened in Venezuela over the 50 years that you so expertly dismissed? Funny that they weren’t 4th on the world economic freedom index 10 years ago, because then your claim might make sense.

    Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But Trump was the one investigated!

    Trump was investigated for various crimes. Russia donating to a non-profit isn’t a crime. Not that difficult to understand.

    I keep forgetting that conservatives are used to the Trump Foundation’s methods. The Clinton Foundation is an actual non-profit organization that does not benefit the Clinton’s personally in any way (I know that this is a foreign concept for anyone familiar to the Trump Foundation’s methods).

  137. [137] 
    Michale wrote:

    The Anti-Trump Whistleblower Story Looks Like Another Phony Scandal


    Democrats have ANOTHER new shiny that will turn out to be nothing but a lame well-stacked NOTHING burger..

    Works for me.. :D

    Not only will it keep Democrats occupied and carry them to NEW heights before it dashes them to the ground and demolishes all their hopes and dreams.. AGAIN :D

    But this new shiny has a very real potential to boomerang back on the Democrats and totally decimate their front runner's Primary campaign..

    The only down side to this is Joe Biden, having buried one son lost to cancer will have to witness his other son going to prison..

    That is truly sad..

  138. [138] 
    Michale wrote:

    The so-called whistleblower "scandal" that the media is hyping up every which way has Democrats once again falling all over each other to declare another "impeachable offense," despite having virtually no details about the conversation between Trump and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. But, like everything else that's been thrown at Trump, this appears to be another phony scandal. The Daily Wire's Ashe Schow reported Saturday that the whistleblower complaint "is nothing more than a rumor reported by someone in the intelligence community."

    Once again.. NOT FACTS...

    Anonymous sources say that they heard someone who said they heard someone who said they heard President Trump on the phone...

    And you people BUY INTO THAT!!!????

    How desperate ARE you people???

    How deep does your hate of America and President Trump REALLY go???

  139. [139] 
    Michale wrote:

    In fact, CNN reported this fact, but buried it in an article:

    The whistleblower didn't have direct knowledge of the communications, an official briefed on the matter told CNN. Instead, the whistleblower's concerns came in part from learning information that was not obtained during the course of their work, and those details have played a role in the administration's determination that the complaint didn't fit the reporting requirements under the intelligence whistleblower law, the official said.
    Schow noted, "this is yet another anonymous source giving more context on what another anonymous source told a different outlet, but it still calls the entire story into question." The original Washington Post story, despite being on the front page, was vague, relying on “two former U.S. officials familiar with the matter” who were “speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly." They alleged that Trump had made a “promise” to a world leader—which, based on what we know right now, is incorrect.

    Look at that??

    didn't have direct knowledge of the communications,

    yet another anonymous source

    on what another anonymous source told a different outlet,

    “speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly."

    And ya'all devote an ENTIRE commentary and comments to ^^^^^THAT!!!????

    MIND BOGGLING!! Completely and utterly MIND-BOGGLING!!

  140. [140] 
    Michale wrote:

    All the reactions to the story since have been based on speculation as to what occurred on the call. Trump is alleged to have pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and offered a quid pro quo... which, according to the Wall Street Journal, there wasn't:

    President Trump in a July phone call repeatedly pressured the president of Ukraine to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden ’s son, urging Volodymyr Zelensky about eight times to work with Rudy Giuliani, his personal lawyer, on a probe, according to people familiar with the matter.
    “He told him that he should work with [Mr. Giuliani] on Biden, and that people in Washington wanted to know” whether allegations were true or not, one of the people said. Mr. Trump didn’t mention a provision of foreign aid to Ukraine on the call, said this person, who didn’t believe Mr. Trump offered the Ukrainian president any quid-pro-quo for his cooperation on an investigation…

    Nevertheless, if you can dream it, someone is alleging it. Even Hillary Clinton has chimed in with an eye-roll-worthy tweet:

    The president asked a foreign power to help him win an election.

    Get that?? Hillary is complaining that President Trump did **EXACTLY** what she did in the 2016 election..

    Again pointing out that if Democrats didn't have double standards, they would have no standards at all..


  141. [141] 
    Michale wrote:


    All the reactions to the story since have been based on speculation as to what occurred on the call. Trump is alleged to have pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and offered a quid pro quo... which, according to the Wall Street Journal, there wasn't:

    President Trump in a July phone call repeatedly pressured the president of Ukraine to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden ’s son, urging Volodymyr Zelensky about eight times to work with Rudy Giuliani, his personal lawyer, on a probe, according to people familiar with the matter.
    “He told him that he should work with [Mr. Giuliani] on Biden, and that people in Washington wanted to know” whether allegations were true or not, one of the people said. Mr. Trump didn’t mention a provision of foreign aid to Ukraine on the call, said this person, who didn’t believe Mr. Trump offered the Ukrainian president any quid-pro-quo for his cooperation on an investigation…

    Nevertheless, if you can dream it, someone is alleging it. Even Hillary Clinton has chimed in with an eye-roll-worthy tweet:

    The president asked a foreign power to help him win an election.

    Get that?? Hillary is complaining that President Trump did **EXACTLY** what she did in the 2016 election..

    Again pointing out that if Democrats didn't have double standards, they would have no standards at all..


    Much better.. :D

  142. [142] 
    Michale wrote:

    Just like the Russian collusion hoax, there's no evidence of this yet, but that isn't stopping people like Hillary from making her allegation, or others declaring an incident they know nothing about an impeachable offense. In March 2012, Barack Obama was caught on a live microphone whispering to then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he needed Russia to give him space on issues such as missile defense, before adding: "This is my last election, after my election, I have more flexibility.” It was on tape, but few in the media cared. Some even defended Obama, but generally, it was treated as much ado about nothing. As of this moment, all we have is speculation about Trump, and the media is once again calling for impeachment.

    So far, all we know is that the whistleblower at the heart of this situation didn't actually overhear anything. The one thing we do know is that in 2016, Joe Biden successfully pressured then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to ax the country's top prosecutor, who was investigating his son's company, by threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees. Biden even bragged about it.

    Yep.. None of ya'all have ANY **FACTS** to support ya'all's claim..

    NO FACTS...


    NO FACTS..

    But what do we DO have facts on??

    Joe Biden used the office of the VP to extort a sovereign government for the purposes of fading the criminal heat from his son..


    How do we know this is fact?? Because Joe Biden confessed to the crime..

    Like I said.. President Trump might be singed a little bit.. Probably not, but might.

    But this is definitely going to DESTROY Joe Biden..

    And ya'all will have helped to that.. :D

  143. [143] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ryan Saavedra
    Joe Biden brags about how he threatened to pull $1 billion in loan guarantees from Ukraine if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

    The prosecutor, who was fired, was leading a corruption investigation into a company that employed Biden's son, Hunter

    Biden's OWN WORDS on the subject..

    “I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money'.
    Well, son of a bitch, he got fired.”

    -Joe Biden

    Do ya'all want to see the Youtube video of the quote???

    Would it change anything regarding ya'all's delusional denial??

    Once again... President Trump may be hurt a bit on this..

    But Joe Biden is going down and Hunter Biden is going to prison...

  144. [144] 
    Michale wrote:

    And lo and behold, we hear from the Ukrainian Foreign Minister who backs up EVERYTHING President Trump has said..

    "Ukraine Foreign Minister disputes reports of any pressure from Trump. This conversation was long, friendly, and it touched on many questions.” @NBCNews Correct. If your looking for something done wrong, just look at the tape of Sleepy Joe. He is being protected by the Media!"
    -President Donald Trump

    Just like ya'all's NOAA/DORIAN fizzle...

    "Fizzle my shizzle"
    -Snoop Dog

    .... this is ANOTHER case where Democrats scream and rant and rave about total bullshit and then the FACTS rear up and bitch slap Democrats to hell.. :D

  145. [145] 
    Michale wrote:

    This Will Totally Destroy Trump! (Volume MCXXXVII)

    Ahh yes.. The indomitable Kurt Schlichter..

    The Chris Weigant Of The Right.. :D

  146. [146] 
    Michale wrote:

    “Well, ________________ is going to totally be the thing that lets us crucify Trump! Yeah, Russia flopped and his alleged Nazi-ness failed and that weasel ex-lawyer/convict of his struck out, but we promise – this time, ___________ is going to bring him down!”

    So saith CNN, the Times, the gang at and the rest of the cabinboy media, along with the carb-curious Fredocon dorks and the surviving furries, pseudo-Cherokees and other assorted Democrat weirdos currently wandering about in Iowa pestering farmers to join them for selfies. There’s always a new _____________, except the “bring him down” part just never seems to happen.

    No coffee for the liberal establishment, because coffee is for closers (NSFW language, sissies). These geebos have been trying to close the deal since 2015, but all they have to do it with are the Rio Rancho leads – they never get the Glengarry leads that will put a stake through the heart of the Bad Orange Man.

    It's really amazing..

    How many times do the Trump/America haters have to FAIL... FAIL... IMPRESSIVELY FAIL before they begin to realize that it's NOT President Trump.. It's THEM...

    I mean, seriously.. How many times??

    "At least once more, Ms Swann"
    -Orlando Bloom, POTC THE BLACK PEARL

  147. [147] 
    Michale wrote:

    The second most recent act in the endless fail-a-thon that is the elite’s hysterical reaction to the rise of Donald Trump was a gambit by the Stop the Hammering guy( ).

    Lawrence O’Donnell claimed he had dirt about Russians controlling Trump because they co-signed some of his loans. He had nothing. Putting aside that when someone guarantees your debts you have leverage over him, Larry the Laughingstock had to apologize when his baloney turned to Schiff.

    MC Hammered should have known that when it comes to Trump, you can’t touch this. But these leftist toadies never, ever learn.

    So now, some deep state dirtbag has decided he can end-run classification (sound familiar?) and executive privilege and narc out The Donald to the House Dems by leveraging the whistleblower statutes. And what is the subject of said narcage? Allegedly, Trump told the Ukrainians that they should investigate why Joe Biden’s kid and brothers ended up with hugely lucrative sweetheart deals in that notorious Slavic cesspool of corruption.

    To which Normal Americans reacted by asking, “Wait, Joe Biden’s kid and brothers ended up with hugely lucrative sweetheart deals in that notorious Slavic cesspool of corruption?”

    Like I said.. Independents and NPAs are going to ask themselves about Hunter Biden's and Joe Biden's actions.. They won't care about President Trump's actions to get the FACTS on the corruption of the Bidens.. Hell, President Trump's support will possibly INCREASE over this.. :D

  148. [148] 
    Michale wrote:

    You see, the problem with making the latest THIS WILL DO IN TRUMP! moment out of the President’s alleged attempt to investigate corruption by the Biden family is that it brings to the fore a scandal that the mainstream media has carefully covered up during the marathon of gaffes that has been Gropey J’s nomination campaign, i.e.that the Biden clan has obviously made a fortune exploiting HairPlug One’s elected offices. There’s no other explanation for their amazing success. Absolutely no one is thinking, “Well, the Bidens are a smart family of cunning and shrewd thinkers who totally could have scored these huge windfalls in Ukraine (and China too) even if Joe had not been a DC power-player for nearly 50 years.”

    What’s hysterical is the blindness of these DC dummies who find it unsporting of Trump to call out the sordid corruption of their fellow grifters. Remember, they admire the Bidens. This kind of primo scam is what these swampies aspire to. And they actually believe that regular folks are going to think, “That’s not cricket! How dare that upstart Trump queer the Bidens’ deals!”

    Democrats chose VERY poorly when they decided to make hay out of this twice removed anonymous claim about President Trump's actions.

    Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if it's President Trump who is the "whistle blower" and this is some sort of elaborate mindfrak to blow Joe Biden out of the water and make Democrats look like idiots AGAIN..

    This is the exact kind of 5th Level Machinations that President Trump would do.. :D

  149. [149] 
    Michale wrote:

    And now for a musical interlude.. :D

    Christmas Morning..


  150. [150] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is the problem when you have an in-bred elite that dwells in a pinko bubble of corruption n’ entitlement. They think stupid things and end up resurrecting issues they otherwise could have buried. Weren’t they just howling about how doing deals with Ukrainians was a bad thing when Paul Manafort did them? It’s nuts to believe that people who live on the dismal side of I-495 are going to think Trump is the bad guy for trying to shine a spotlight on a family of Delaware looters.

    A (disputed) twist in the narrative is that Trump offered, or threatened to withhold, something if the Ukes refused to cooperate in using their government’s power to assist a sitting US president against a presidential candidate of the other party. It apparently again became a wrong thing to ask a foreign government to use its power to assist a sitting US president against a presidential candidate of the other party, probably on January 20, 2017.

    And of course, noted particle physicist Joe – because he’s smart – is on video bragging about how he told the Ukrainians that unless they fired a nosy prosecutor who was poking around sonny’s company they could wave dasvidaniya to a US loan. So, the whole extortion argument is…awkward.

    It's funny..

    You people are saying that President Trump extorting the Ukraine government is the worst thing about this "scandal"..

    And yet, you have NO FACTS to support the claim of extortion..

    NO FACTS...

    But wait. We ***DO*** have facts that the Obama Administration DID extort the Ukraine government..

    Joe Biden's **OWN** confession of doing JUST THAT..

    So, for the record..


    It's a simple YES/NO question..

    Bet NO ONE here can answer it..


  151. [151] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, this scandalabra is certainly, absolutely, definitely gonna do Trump in, and we can count on that because we have the usual lib suspects telling us so. The WaPo is assuring its eternally unsatisfied readers that yes, yes, this might be it! The Twitter blue check brain trust is weighing in that this is serious, so very serious! And Seth Abramson is probably still adding to his 678-tweet threat on how this is more emoluments and more Putin collusion and how this means the coming of the Supreme Court Marshal to arrest Trump for treason and the voices, the voices…

    Oh, and there’s more impeachment babble – that’s the other scheme that has these nimrods gleefully tenting their soft, spindly fingers. You dummies. Here’s how impeachment goes. Pelosi gets head-locked by her commie caucus into allowing that circus to commence and you have that Willy Wonka worker reject Jerry Nadler plus Ed Buck’s bestie Adam Schiff ringleading it. When the persecution rests, the Republican defense stands up and says, “The President calls to the stand…Joe Biden and all the other Biden princelings and courtiers.” And then the Democrats freak and refuse to allow it and the Republicans say, not without a point, that impeaching Trump because he wanted a crime investigated kind of puts that crime at issue. But the Democrats will squelch the whole line of inquiry and normal Americans will cast some serious collective side-eye at that manifest cover-up.

    Then the Dems will vote to impeach and it goes to the Senate, where Cocaine Mitch ensures that the Biden’s dirty laundry gets a nice long airing before putting it to a vote. Then 50 Republicans vote to acquit, with only Mitt Romney insisting on further humiliating himself by siding with the Dems. Next, Trump strolls down from Capitol Hill with a necklace made of the skulls of his enemies and defeats Big Chief Sitting Bolshevik (or whichever other Dem who is not Joe Biden runs against him) next November.

    Democrats need to think long and hard as to whether they want to pursue this course of action...

    Because if they do.. It's extremely likely that it will go down just as Mr Schlichter postulates it will..

  152. [152] 
    Michale wrote:

    The latest ____________________ is yet another nothing burger, yet another faceplant, yet another exercise in ritual suicide by a despondent and broken elite that still cannot come to terms with its utter rejection by the American people. Yeah, Americans are going to be super upset that Trump thought that this Democrat dynasty of gypsies, tramps and thieves ought to be held accountable for its crimes. Go with that, Dems. Please. Hey, your losing streak can’t last forever.

    Can it?

    Democrat losing streak will come to an end when they wise up and start looking out for the country instead of their own crazy Anti-America agenda..

    Yea.. I guess the Democrat losing streak CAN last forever..

    Wondering what America is like if the elite can toss out an elected president because he refuses to play ball for Team Lib? Then check out my action-packed yet hilarious novels, People's Republic, Indian Country and Wildfire. The fake conservative grifter doofuses whine that my books are “appalling,” thereby providing the lead blurb for Book IV (coming soon)!

    I can vouch for Mr Schlichter's fine Kelley Turnbull novels.. They are great reads!! :D

  153. [153] 
    Michale wrote:

    Here's a twist..

    I am totally and completely on topic with my comments!!

    How about that!?? :D hehehehehe

  154. [154] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ukraine ‘Bombshell’ Will Explode in Democratic Faces

    They have far more to lose from the “whistleblower” scandal than does the president.

    Exactly... Democrats have so much more to lose than President Trump does..

    I mean, let's face the facts.. The WORST that could happen is that President Trump is exposed for acting like President Trump..

    Any and all revelations Democrats can make about President Trump are old hat and already well known..

    The ONLY people who will care about President Trump's shenanigans is the Trump/America haters who would never vote for Trump anyways.. They would vote for Hitler incarnate before they would vote for Trump..

    So, what THEY think doesn't matter because their minds are made up and closed..

    But the people **WILL** care about the criminal activities of Joe and Hunter Biden...

    THOSE crimes will matter a great deal to the Independents and NPAs...

    In short, President Trump might get singed a little. MORE likely is that Americans will like it when President Trump plays hard ball and Trump support will likely increase..

    But Democrats?? They are running as the NOT TRUMP candidate..

    What will it do Democrat support amongst Independents and NPAs when it's out in the wild that Democrats AREN'T better than Trump as they claim.

    What will happen when the Independents and NPAs find out that Democrats are no better than Trump and that they LIED about it when they claimed they were..

    Tens of millions of new votes for President Trump..

    "{Democrats}.... chose poorly"

  155. [155] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oh ho ho... What have we here..

    Adam Schiff threatens to defund intel community unless Trump whistleblower details disclosed

    Get that???

    Schiff-head wants to totally decimate and destroy our intelligence assets if he can't get President Trump to do Schiff-head's bidding..

    If there was ever any proof needed that Democrats are hell-bent on destroying this country... This abysmal and heinous act dispels all doubts...

    Democrats would rather see this country destroyed and in ruins in their Ahab-esque quest to take down the legally, fairly, freely and DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED President Of The United States...

    How utterly sad and pathetic Democrats have become..

  156. [156] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK Gonna take a breather and let ya'all catch up.. :D

  157. [157] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ya'all love to hear from David Hogg.. A school-shooting (so-called) "survivor" and his opinion on banning guns..

    An opinion from kid who was on the same property, but far removed, of a school shooting..

    Ya'all feel his opinion has merit...

    Columbine survivor: 'Biased' reporters didn't want to hear why I oppose Beto's gun ban

    How about hearing from an ACTUAL FACTUAL survivor of a school shooting. Listen to HIS opinion on guns, which is MUCH more relevant than Hogg's..

  158. [158] 
    Michale wrote:

    Evan Todd, who was shot during the Columbine school massacre, appeared on "Fox & Friends" Monday to set the record straight, after he says he was misrepresented by the media with regard to his views on 2020 presidential hopeful Beto O'Rourke's proposed gun ban.

    Todd questioned O'Rourke at an event in Colorado Thursday and stated his credentials as a shooting survivor, before asking how far he planned to take his gun ban. ABC later reported the exchange as if Todd was supporting the plan, when, in fact, he is against it.

    "I went to hear Beto speak and if I got the opportunity to ask him where he drew the line as far as his gun confiscation plans -- and I wanted to phrase it in a way that allowed him to speak his mind and he did, Todd said. "He really is open to... banning and confiscating nearly all firearms."

    He claimed members of the media turned cold when they found out he didn't support O'Rourke's plan and accused them of embracing a far-left agenda.

    "The media, by and large, is biased and in some cases complicit with pushing the extremists' far-left agenda," Todd said. "There were many that were very interested in talking to me afterward. But, when they found out my true stance, they suddenly were less interested. So it's been crickets since they found out where I truly stood on the issue."

    Todd was injured in 1999 when two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, opened fire at Columbine High School in Colorado, killing 13 people and injuring 24. Harris and Klebold eventually killed themselves with gunshot wounds to the head following the massacre that left 12 students and one teacher dead.

    Todd also said during his "Fox & Friends" interview that the idea of confiscating firearms from private citizens is a personal affront and will leave millions defenseless while creating more problems than it would solve.

    The words of a REAL shooting survivor...

  159. [159] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    okay, i'll comment on the comment you quoted:

    Conflicted about ideology and identity and deeply compromised by history, the Democratic Party is built to lose

    my comment on this is that it is an exaggeration of the facts we already know about the democratic party. yes, democrats are conflicted about ideology and identity, substantially moreso than republicans. it's a much more diverse coalition, and with more diversity of opinion comes less unity of purpose. that drawback comes with the territory; the likelihood that any ideological stand you make may splinter a portion of your support makes it structurally more difficult to win. so, democrats sometimes snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. we can lament that fact, or we can accept it and try to win anyway. after all, democrats do win political and legislative battles from time to time.


  160. [160] 
    Michale wrote:

    my comment on this is that it is an exaggeration of the facts we already know about the democratic party.

    So, you believe it IS factual, just exaggerated..

    Fair enough.. I don't agree with the exaggerated part, but we are in completely agreement that it IS factual..

    Now, to yours..

    the relationship between our two major parties has become asymmetrical: Democrats cling to norms and standards of a bygone era, Biden-style, and also, by their nature, are driven by principles of dialogue, reasoned discourse and compromise. LOL! Republicans are totally over that shit, and have gone full-on ruthless culture war, a dynamic explored by Salon's Amanda Marcotte in her book "Troll Nation": They know they can’t win a fair fight on issues and policies, but when it comes to semiotic battles rooted in racism, nationalism and cultural division, they consistently hold the upper hand.

    The claims of this part has to be taken with a HUGE grain of salt.. The LOL! and "Republicans are totally over that shit" are dead give always of a bigoted bias towards Republicans. Such bigotry and bias must be taken into account when accessing the factual nature of the claims..

    Very similar to Liz's complaints about my use of the terms "Odumbo" and "dumbocrats"...

    Since the obvious bigotry and hatred shines thru YOUR quoted part, it's easy (and logical) to disregard the quote as it is steeped in bigotry...

    The part that I quoted comes across as a lot more factual as the author is actually talking about her own "people"...

    Just as you people quote Republicans that hate on and attack Trump as "reliable" sources, I can point to this part of this Democrat's commentary as more reliable than the part where she condemns the GOP..

    In short, it's same ol same ol when she condemns the GOP.. "yaawwwnnn What else is new" type stuff..

    Her assessment of the Democrat Party is a lot more credible because she IS a Democrat..

    Put another way..

    It's same ol same ol if Rush Limbaugh condemns Nancy Pelosi..

    It's time to perk up and take notice if Rush Limbaugh condemns President Trump..

    Note, that I say "condemn" and not "attack".. My word choice is precise and relevant..

    "I distinctly remember saying, 'Stop the bus.' Not 'shoot the bus'. '*Stop* the bus.' I'm very particular with my words. 'Stop.' 'Shoot.' 'Stop.' 'Shoot.' Do those words sound remotely the same??"
    -Pagan Min

  161. [161] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's same ol same ol if Rush Limbaugh condemns Nancy Pelosi..

    It's time to perk up and take notice if Rush Limbaugh condemns President Trump..

    And put still ANOTHER way..

    It's yawn city and same ol same ol if Democrats en masse condemn President Trump.. It's meaningless because it's nothing new..

    It's time to perk up and yell, "Hoo doggie!! when Democrats condemn Obama..

    "That shit MEANS something right there!!"
    -Eddie Murphy, DELIRIOUS

  162. [162] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Since the obvious bigotry and hatred shines thru YOUR quoted part, it's easy (and logical) to disregard the quote as it is steeped in bigotry...

    easy perhaps, but not logical at all. you may interpret it as bigotry and bias, but unlike your comments on obama there's no name-calling, nor obvious fallacy. because the language is harsher toward one side than the other it merits closer scrutiny and greater skepticism, but that on its own is not sufficient basis to disregard an opinion.

    the author's view is that politics are asymmetrical is supported by the factual evidence available, as well as by the quotation you chose from the same piece.

  163. [163] 
    Michale wrote:

    but unlike your comments on obama there's no name-calling, nor obvious fallacy


    Republicans are totally over that shit, and have gone full-on ruthless culture war, a dynamic explored by Salon's Amanda Marcotte in her book "Troll Nation":

    Sounds like name-calling to me..

    because the language is harsher toward one side than the other it merits closer scrutiny and greater skepticism,


    but that on its own is not sufficient basis to disregard an opinion.

    Unlike ya'all who take my opinions SOOO seriously, eh?? :D

    Here.... I'll help ya out..

    "Well.. er.. uh.. THAT'S different" :D

  164. [164] 
    Michale wrote:

    "My problem!!?? My problem is that Jon Snow had sex with his aunt and then KILLED her and NO ONE wants to talk about it!!!"
    -Ryan Reynolds, HOBBS & SHAW


  165. [165] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, Democrats??

    How's that whistle blower "scandal" working for ya'all??

    Seems to me, it's BIDEN who is having all the fallout!! :D

  166. [166] 
    Michale wrote:

    Whistleblower had no ‘direct knowledge’ of Trump call;
    GOP claims Ukraine story unraveling
    Source says whistleblower didn't have ‘firsthand knowledge’ of Trump call with Ukraine president

    WHO could have POSSIBLY guessed that the whole whistle blower/Ukraine story would fall apart!!!???

    Oh.. Wait!! :D

    This is a rinse/repeat of the NOAA/Dorian hysteria...

    Gods, you would think ya'all would LEARN!!!


  167. [167] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Here’s the one thing all of the wanna-be-mall-cop-but-couldn’t-pass-the-psych-test’s articles ignore or try to dismiss:

    The inspector general, a Trump appointment, has already reviewed the whistleblower’s complaint and deemed it credible and of “urgent” importance — which requires the DNI director to notify and send the complaint and related materials to both houses’ intelligence committees within 7 days. When that did not occur, the inspector general notified the intelligence committee chairs himself of the whistleblower complaint’s existence.

    The policy does not instruct the director to second guess his agency’s inspector general’s conclusions and take it to the DOJ, it says that he SHALL send the information to the intelligence committee chairs within 7 days. So why won’t Trump tell his people to follow what the law instructs them to do in these situations?

    Another thing that makes no sense: you claim that the whistleblower allegations aren’t true at the same time you claim that what Trump is supposedly accused of doing is completely legal. Why in the world would Trump not want the whistleblower’s allegations be made public if they are accusing Trump of doing something completely legal?

  168. [168] 
    Michale wrote:

    The inspector general, a Trump appointment, has already reviewed the whistleblower’s complaint and deemed it credible and of “urgent” importance —

    Not factually accurate..

    The whistleblower who sparked a mounting controversy over President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president did not have “firsthand knowledge” of the conversation, a person familiar with the situation told Fox News -- even as the issue fuels impeachment calls from Democrats.

    You have nothing but 3rd hand hearsay, Russ..

    And, as with the Kavanaugh, ya fall all over yerself to condemn this action and then the FACTS make you look like an ass...


  169. [169] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    If what Biden is being accused of doing were true, wouldn’t it make more sense for Trump to instruct the DOJ to investigate it than to tell a foreign leader to handle it?

  170. [170] 
    Michale wrote:

    If what Biden is being accused of doing were true, wouldn’t it make more sense for Trump to instruct the DOJ to investigate it than to tell a foreign leader to handle it?

    You do things your way, President Trump does things his way..

    And all you can do is bitch and moan and whine about it.. :D

    You LOSE, Russ.. AGAIN...

    Democrats are, once again, just left with their dicks in their hands..

    An all too familiar result for the Democrat Party.


    Once again... President Trump rulez...

    Democrats droolz.. :D

  171. [171] 
    Michale wrote:

    But in a letter last week, the general counsel for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence ODNI), Jason Klitenic, wrote that the agency is protecting the whistleblower and argued the allegation does not meet the definition of "urgent concern." He said the complaint "concerned conduct from someone outside the intelligence community and did not relate to `intelligence activity' under the DNI's supervision."

    What part of "DOES NOT MEET THE DEFINITION OF 'URGENT CONCERN'..." is unclear to you???

    What part of "concerned conduct from someone outside the intelligence community and did not relate to `intelligence activity'.." do you FAIL to comprehend??

    You can't win, Russ.. Because all Democrats have on their side is hate, intolerance, bigotry and hysterical bullshit..

  172. [172] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    You dispute what the inspector general has told Congress claiming it is not factually accurate, then cite a statement that does not even address the inspector general’s findings to support your claim!

    Then you say, You have nothing but 3rd hand hearsay, Russ.. when your statement came from ”a person familiar with the situation told Fox News”!

    Do you not have any self-respect....oh wait, of course you don’t!

  173. [173] 
    Michale wrote:

    "This Georgia County allows conceal carry.. If you kill someone, just remember. We have ONE jail and 356 Cemeteries. Have a nice day"


    Makes me proud to be an American.. :D

  174. [174] 
    Michale wrote:

    Then you say, You have nothing but 3rd hand hearsay, Russ.. when your statement came from ”a person familiar with the situation told Fox News”!

    Yes, I am using YOUR OWN "fact" methods on you..

    So, you dispute the facts??

    Finally. You ACTUALLY see the light now...

    What took you so long..??? :eyeroll:

  175. [175] 
    Michale wrote:

    Russ, when all is said and done, this whistle blower/Ukraine bullshit is NOTHING different than your latest KAVANAUGH Accusation bullshit..

    It's ALL bullshit..

    Ya'all are SO desperate in your hate, you'll believe ANYTHING...

  176. [176] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yes, I am using YOUR OWN "fact" methods on you..

    So, you dispute the facts??

    Finally. You ACTUALLY see the light now...

    What took you so long..??? :eyeroll:

    In other words, let's BOTH ignore "anonymous sources"..

    If we do that, YOU have absolutely NOTHING at all and I don't NEED to have anything because you have NOTHING..

    See how well that works out??


  177. [177] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yer not very good at this whole FACT thing, are ya Russ?? :D

  178. [178] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:
  179. [179] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yea?? So???

    Quote what part of them is factual and relevant or damaging..

    Can ya do that??

  180. [180] 
    Michale wrote:

    Here it is for ya in Black and White, Russ..

    Media Corruption On Perfect Display In One Washington Post Paragraph

    Every single assertion of this paragraph isn't just wrong, but the opposite of right. In each sentence, Trump is being blamed for things his political opponents have done.

    This is why it's IMPOSSIBLE to take ANYTHING the hysterical Trump/American say seriously..

    It's ALL bullshit...

  181. [181] 
    Michale wrote:

    And the BACKLASH begins!!! :D

    Lindsey Graham calls for DOJ to investigate 'the Biden-Ukraine connection'

    Joe Biden will not survive.. Hunter Biden is going to prison...

    And all because Trump/America haters couldn't STAND to keep losing against President Trump...

  182. [182] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yea?? So???

    Quote what part of them is factual and relevant or damaging..

    Can ya do that??

    I'll take that as a "NO"...

    Once my lovely wife of almost 40 years gets home, yer time for today is up...

    Get a move on.... :D

  183. [183] 
    Michale wrote:

    Sen. Lindsey Graham called on the Justice Department to investigate “all things Ukraine” Sunday amid controversy about a secretive whistleblower complaint likely regarding a phone call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president.

    The South Carolina Republican and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said he was, “hoping that the Department of Justice will look at the Biden-Ukraine connection the way that we looked at Trump-Russia connection” in a Fox News interview, and called for DOJ to appoint an investigator. Graham also brought up Republican claims that Ukrainian officials tried helping Hillary Clinton win in 2016.

    Biden bragged in 2018 that, as vice president, he threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees if Ukraine did not fire its top prosecutor Viktor Shokin. Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani alleged for months that Biden wanted Shokin fired because Shokin reportedly undertook an anti-corruption investigation into Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma Holdings, which employed Joe Biden’s lobbyist son Hunter as a board member starting in 2014, reportedly paying him $50,000 a month. The Biden camp countered that Shokin was widely seen by the U.S. and Europe — and inside Ukraine — as ineffective, corrupt, and a hindrance to Ukraine’s progress. Ukraine’s parliament removed Shokin in 2016.

    “We looked at all things Russia and Trump, his family, everything about his family, everything transaction between the Trump campaign and Russia. Now is time to see whether or not the Ukrainians released information regarding Paul Manafort, who was Trump’s campaign manager," Graham said. "What relationships, if any, did the Biden world have with the Ukraine? What role, if any, did the Ukraine play in the 2016 election?”

    Democrats are going down!!!!


  184. [184] 
    Michale wrote:

    Biden bragged in 2018 that, as vice president, he threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees if Ukraine did not fire its top prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

    Of course, Shokin was investigating Hunter Biden and VB Biden wanted it stopped.

    So Biden withheld funds to Ukraine to fade the heat from Hunter Biden..

    Joe Biden will be lucky to stay out of Prison...

  185. [185] 
    Michale wrote:

    And what is so HILARIOUS about all of this is it's the DEMOCRATS who brought it all up!!!


  186. [186] 
    Michale wrote:

    Awww, com'on!! SOMEONE drag it over 200!! I can't do ALL the heavy lifting here!!! :D

  187. [187] 
    Michale wrote:

    On Saturday, Biden rejected the notion that he pressured the Ukrainian government on behalf of his son, and said, “I have never spoken with my son about his overseas business dealings.” But Hunter Biden told the New Yorker in July he and his father spoke about his business foray in Ukraine once.

    Joe Biden caught in a LIE..

    Now, LIES seem to bother you people an awful lot..

    At least when it's someone with a -R after their name who is allegedly lying..

    Will ya'all condemn Joe Biden for his lie??


    Color me shocked!! :eyeroll:

  188. [188] 
    Michale wrote:

    Wait a tic!!! Where did PATRICK go!!!!

    Did he run away scared!!??


  189. [189] 
    Michale wrote:


    "Fine!!! I'll do it myself!!"
    -Thanos, AVENGERS

  190. [190] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko on Saturday dismissed claims that Trump pressured Zelensky during the July call, saying, “I know what the conversation was about, and there was no pressure.”

    Once again, JUST like the Dorian/Alabama bullshit, OFFICIAL SOURCES have the FACTS.. Democrats are full of kaa-kaa

  191. [191] 
    Michale wrote:

    Awww right..

    You people had yer chance.. Wife is home so now I belong to her..

    See ya'all bright and early in the morning.. :D

  192. [192] 
    TheStig wrote:


    I was able to go online and independently verify ALL of your narrative concerning M. Things are not as nearly as rosy at his castle as he implies. He seems to be using to write a long running serialized Walter Mitty-esque novel of his life and times. I would call this a form of self-psychiatry. It is sad. For both author and readers. I have a close relative who exhibits similar behaviors. At a certain point you have write the victim off. I learned that in rescue training...turning yourself into another victim only makes the crisis worse. Not that excessive, long winded and frequently ill-manored comments are fatal, but the are rather annoying.

  193. [193] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Michale is not the subject of conversation here. Chris's columns are.

  194. [194] 
    Kick wrote:


    If what Biden is being accused of doing were true, wouldn’t it make more sense for Trump to instruct the DOJ to investigate it than to tell a foreign leader to handle it?

    You'll just confuse him with facts.

    So Trump needed to send his personal attorney to Ukraine regarding so-called "corruption" of Ukraine and Hunter Biden? Please.

    Also, since when has Trump shown any interest in doing a damn thing about corruption in foreign government? And speaking of corruption, why such cozying up to Vladimir Putin and Russia and the easing of sanctions on Manafort's pal Deripaska to build in Moscow Mitch's State of Kentucky when it was Deripaska who paid Manafort tens of millions of dollars to further Russia's interests around the globe? Manafort wasn't just any GOP candidate's campaign manager, he was Trump's... the same Manafort who is not exactly a stranger to Ukraine and corruption.

    Deripaska, Moscow Mitch, Ukraine, Paul Manafort -- I could go on -- are all connected events and tie back to the "same shit different day" of Russia's interference in the affairs of the United States through Benedict Donald... the "elephant in the room" foreign corruption that didn't seem to motivate the decisions of either Trump or McConnell until just very recently.

    Connect the dots.

    Wouldn't it be "sad" if Trump and McConnell's sudden interest in dealing with foreign corruption shined a giant Klieg light on foreign corruption?

  195. [195] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Michale is not the subject of conversation here. Chris's columns are.

    You might want to work on those reading comprehension skills, Elizabeth. We are clearly discussing the ignorant prevaricating gaslighting fake quote inventing troll whose focus is on posters individually and collectively rather than "Chris's columns."

    * What I find funny is that no one here minded the word "retarded" when it's directed at President Trump.

    Many have actually USED the word or, by omission, made no comment when the word was used by others. ~ Mike at [14]

    Also see:

    * [21] where "neilm" personally is the subject of Mike's conversation rather than discussing "Chris's columns."

    * Multiple posts where Patrick is personally the subject of Mike's conversation rather than "Chris's columns."

    * Posts by Mike where Russ is personally the subject of Mike's conversation rather than discussing "Chris's columns."

    * Multiple posts where Mike discusses posters collectively and individually as bigots and slaves rather than discussing "Chris's columns."

    Enough of that.

    If Mike's raison d'être and modus operandi of repeatedly trolling individuals and making them personally the topic of conversation versus the discussion of "Chris's columns" were to be reflected back on Mike, that should seriously come as a revelation to no one whatsoever.

    And you can keep your proclamations to yourself wherein everyone else should "be an example" as long as Mike continues this modus operandi bullshit of his unabated.

  196. [196] 
    Kick wrote:


    I was able to go online and independently verify ALL of your narrative concerning M. Things are not as nearly as rosy at his castle as he implies.

    Yes, sir... not at all unlike the inveterate moron who committed breaking and entering and theft of property of a private residence but not before leaving his unique DNA signature in the owner's toilet. :)

  197. [197] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    I was able to go online and independently verify ALL of your narrative concerning M. Things are not as nearly as rosy at his castle as he implies.

    Yes, sir... not at all unlike the inveterate moron who committed breaking and entering and theft of property of a private residence but not before leaving his unique DNA signature in the owner's toilet. :)

    How’s this possible?!?! I mean, he’s a highly decorated retired law enforcement officer..except when he admitted that he wasn’t.....but...but...but, how can this be???

  198. [198] 
    Kick wrote:


    Also forgot to bring up the FACT that after it was discovered the funds were being withheld from Ukraine and the House called for an investigation into that and then after the whistleblower complaint was filed and the House thereafter called for another investigation into that, the White House suddenly had an epiphany and decided that Ukraine should get all the money being withheld right straight away BUT -- and that is a really big but -- also the addition of another $140 million of the taxpayers' money at the direction of "who the fuck knows" and for reason(s) that no one has as yet explained and Congress sure as hell didn't authorize... so who did and why?

  199. [199] 
    Michale wrote:


    I was able to go online and independently verify ALL of your narrative concerning M.


    So, let's take stock.

    I kick your ass in a political forum on a daily basis..

    Not being able to handle that, you actively search the entire internet for dirt on me personally..

    What kind of sick puppy searches the internet for dirt on a person SOLELY because of differences on a political forum??

    And you claim *I* have issues???


  200. [200] 
    Michale wrote:


    Michale is not the subject of conversation here. Chris's columns are.

    You must be new around here.. :D

    J/K :D

    Ya gotta ask yourself. What kind of sick person goes thru ALL of the Internet trying to find dirt on someone, SOLELY because said someone has been kicking their ass in a political forum for years..

    It's a good thing myself and my family are all armed.. The fact that these people stalk myself and my family on the internet indicates they are one step away from taking it to real life..

  201. [201] 
    Michale wrote:

    Apparently, ya'all have no FACTS to rebut any of my fact so you have to make the comment thread about me, personally.. :D

    I can ask for no better confirmation of my domination. :D

  202. [202] 
    Kick wrote:


    How’s this possible?!?! I mean, he’s a highly decorated retired law enforcement officer..except when he admitted that he wasn’t.....but...but...but, how can this be???

    I'm not sure why, but it brought to mind that time Weigantia was discussing homosexuality and whether or not it was a choice. Of course -- and not surprisingly -- Mike insisted over the objections of yourself and every other poster that it was definitely a choice because "science" and his intimate personal knowledge of lots of gays and his bisexual wife!

    Remember that? Perhaps I could search for that and find that for you, Russ. Be right back. *theme from Jeopardy*

    I couldn't find it. ----> Just kidding! :)


    Being gay is a lifestyle choice...

    Nope. Not even close. [neilm]

    Yep... You just don't accept the science that supports it..

    Even if we disregard the science....

    I have known many MANY gay people in my 54 years on this planet including family.. I know alternate lifestyles intimately.. My lovely wife is bisexual...

    And I can personally attest to the fact that gay people turn it on and off like a light switch...

    Being gay is no different than being a WOB or a greaser or a sosh... ~ Michael

    Mike's inherent ignorance -- that we witness in so many of his personal anecdotal posts -- nearly always seems to go "bone deep"... for multiple reasons.

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