Unified, Mostly

[ Posted Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 – 16:02 UTC ]

Hillary Clinton got her long-awaited endorsement from Bernie Sanders today, in an event designed to unify the Democratic Party base heading into their national convention. Although there are still plenty of "Bernie or Bust" die-hards out there, Democrats had already largely unified behind Clinton, even before Sanders officially endorsed her today. Perhaps this all would have played out differently in a different election year, but Donald Trump is proving to be a powerful unifying force among Democrats -- because his elevation to president is seen as being downright unthinkable by both Bernie and Hillary supporters. Getting behind Hillary may be problematic for some Bernie supporters, but considering the alternative is a big motivating factor for most.

Polling has consistently shown that Democrats have come together much faster and to a greater extent than in 2008, when over 20 percent of Hillary supporters said they'd vote for John McCain rather than Barack Obama. This percentage only dropped down to 14 percent by the time people actually voted. Polling done since the end of the primaries this year shows only eight or nine percent of Sanders supporters saying they'd vote for Donald Trump. A higher percentage of Democrats overall is now fully on board with Clinton than happened in 2008 as well. So the party is indeed unifying around their candidate.

The biggest concern Hillary Clinton now faces is whether she can generate anywhere near the enthusiasm that Bernie Sanders created among his supporters. Voting in a negative fashion (voting against someone rather than whole-heartedly for someone) is seen more as a chore than as something to get excited about. Of course, there are many Clinton supporters who are indeed very enthusiastic about electing the first woman president (and for many other reasons), to be fair. But Clinton is going to need Sanders campaigning for her to have a shot at getting his core demographics excited about voting for her in any way.

A new poll out from the Associated Press and the University of Chicago shows how much ground Clinton has to make up among young voters. Among voters 30 and under, Clinton does beat Trump, but the numbers aren't very impressive. Clinton gets 38 percent to Trump's 17. That's a comfortable margin, but when you consider that Barack Obama won this demographic 60-37 (in 2012) and 66-32 (in 2008), Clinton obviously still has some work to do.

The numbers that should worry Clinton's campaign, though, are all the people who didn't respond with either "Trump" or "Clinton." A whopping 45 percent of young voters responded that they were undecided, wouldn't vote, or would vote for a third-party candidate. More young voters (22 percent) say they're voting for someone else than say they'll vote for Trump, in fact. Such high numbers plainly show the lack of enthusiasm for Clinton among young voters.

Minds can change the closer we get to Election Day, though. The anti-Trump sentiment is going to grow between now and then, it can safely be assumed. Of the 38 percent of young voters who responded they'd be voting for Clinton, 47 percent say they "mainly support Clinton" while 53 percent say they "mainly oppose Trump."

This may be a bit sobering for those enthusiastically supporting Clinton, but when you get right down to it, a vote is a vote. The measurement of who voted for what reason is not germane to who wins, in other words. An unenthusiastic anti-Trump vote for Clinton counts just as much as an excited-about-Hillary voter's ballot.

Most voters have, at one point in their lives or another, faced such a dilemma. Voting for a disappointing candidate whom you didn't originally support (because the other party's guy is so unacceptable) is actually a fairly routine part of American politics. Nobody gets the perfect candidate to vote for every time, to state the obvious. So most voters have lived through the experience already.

Except for those young enough never to have faced such political disillusionment, of course. In other words, Bernie voters. Assuming that Barack Obama was acceptable enough, this means anyone who has come of age from 2005 onwards may be facing the scenario of voting unenthusiastically for the first time. And that covers just about everyone from age 30 on down to those turning 18 before this year's Election Day.

The youth vote is notorious for not actually showing up to vote. Young voters did actually turn out in hordes for both of Obama's elections, which was a surprise to many pollsters who figured that they'd vote at their historic (meaning "low") rates. This year may signal a return to the norm if young voters stay away from the polls in droves in November. The danger for the Clinton campaign isn't that they'll be voting for Trump, but instead in overestimating how many of them will actually turn out to cast their ballot. If Team Clinton assumes her numbers will equal Obama's, they may be in for a shock. To be fair, though, I personally doubt that the Clinton campaign will overestimate their support among young voters in such a fashion. I think they're smarter than that.

Bernie Sanders himself will play a big role in convincing his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton. The smartest thing for the Clinton campaign to do now would be to send Bernie out to states where he beat her (such as Michigan) or came close (Ohio and Illinois, perhaps). Bernie has now won enough concessions from Clinton -- both in the issues she campaigns on and in the official party platform -- to honestly throw his support behind her. He has made her a much more progressive candidate, and they have now officially buried all the hatchets from the hard-fought primary season. He needs to get out there and make that case to his base of support, in an effort to convince them to vote for Hillary Clinton. Seeing Bernie on a stage today with Hillary may have been massively disappointing for some of his most fervent supporters, but for most Democrats it comes with a big sigh of relief. The party is now (mostly) unified, heading into their national convention. This bodes well for Hillary's chances in November.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


81 Comments on “Unified, Mostly”

  1. [1] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I suspect that Terd Cruz will also endorse the day-glo orange random lie generator who accused his father of complicity in JFK's assassination. Grifters united, mostly. Authenticity!

  2. [2] 
    Speak2 wrote:

    Sent a late post to yesterday's column. Would love comments.

  3. [3] 
    Speak2 wrote:

    Today's column:

    Sanders is especially needed if down-ballot has a chance (House, States (Dems have a devilish Gov map)). Historically, he has ignored that perspective.

    Let's hope Sanders can go from a tepid endorsement (see how she echoes my positions {whine like a teenager}, anti-Trump {but not quite pro-Clinton {whine with teenage angst}} to full-throated Trump=Bad.

  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    "The system is bad!!!"

    "I whole-heartedly support and endorse the system!!!"
    -Bernie Sanders

    Ya'all just HAVE to know how much I am laughing my ass off, right?? :D


  5. [5] 
    Paula wrote:

    I'm feeling good about it all today. I thought Bernie did great and Hillary was sincerely pleased in response. I LOVE the whole movement now on the Public Option!

    Hatchets buried, fences being mended, diehards pouting in the corners. They will either join up or not; there's a point past which asking them is a waste of time. A chunk of Bernie's supporters were Ron Paulites and that means they're nucking futs anyway. They'll vote for Jill Stein. Polls looking more and more like those defections just won't matter.

    [1] John: "day-glo orange lie generator" : priceless!

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    [1] John: "day-glo orange lie generator" : priceless!


    And *I* get dinged for Hussein Odumbo...

    No one has ANY moral foundation to ding me when they allow crap like that....

    Double standard... Hypocrisy....

    That's what it's all about....


  7. [7] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Paula [5],

    Why would wRong Paul's groupies vote for Stein rather than Johnson?

  8. [8] 
    Paula wrote:

    [7] John: you're right. They'd go Johnson. Except in states where he can't get on the ballot. But yeah.

  9. [9] 
    Paula wrote:

    Michale: "day-glo orange lie generator" is simply a beautifully rendered insult. I appreciate the artistry. It's also true, or based on truths.

    "Hussein Odumbo" is sophomoric, as well as being based on falsehoods.

    Neither is nice, I'll give you that.

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    , anti-Trump {but not quite pro-Clinton

    NO ONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together could EVER be "PRO" Clinton...

    Even JFC is not PRO Clinton...

    Apparently, he has THREE brain cells.... :D


  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    Michale: "day-glo orange lie generator" is simply a beautifully rendered insult. I appreciate the artistry. It's also true, or based on truths.

    "Hussein Odumbo" is sophomoric,

    Of course you would say that.. Because you are ruled by your ideology..

    For someone who HAS no ideology, such as myself, the are BOTH childish and sophomoric..

    But since childish and sophomoric seems to be the rule rather than the exception......

    When in Rome.... :^D

    as well as being based on falsehoods.

    Which "falsehoods" are those???

    Hussein IS Odumbo's name..

    And his ears ARE reminiscent of Dumbo.... Plus he REALLY is a moron... ISIS is the JV... ISIS is contained... STOOPID... Utterly stoopid

    So, I am simply being factually accurate...

    But I get it. FACTS stop at yer ideological line... :D


  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    Neither is nice, I'll give you that.

    And it's OK not to be nice to the enemy, right??? :D


  13. [13] 
    Paula wrote:

    It's always better to be nice. And I don't consider Trump "the enemy" -- I consider him a disaster in the making. I consider him a dishonest blowhard and grifter. I don't consider you the enemy, I consider you extraordinarily misinformed, stubborn, petulant-when-pushed, and authoritarian. You have a sense of humor and are undoubtedly basically decent. But your politics suck and you can't argue. I kind of think of the republican elite as the enemy, but only because they so clearly treat Democrats as the enemy. I certainly despise their works.

    Nice - nice is good. Nice is polite. Polite is good. Sometimes I don't feel like being either. I don't claim to be superhuman or saintly. I can only try. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail. Then I try some more.

  14. [14] 
    Paula wrote:


  15. [15] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    NO ONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together could EVER be "PRO" Clinton...

    doing the job of president requires someone who knows how to do the job of president. nixon, johnson, reagan, bush I and clinton all did. carter didn't. obama and bush II both didn't until it was too late. trump doesn't. hillary does.
    ~my 2 brain cells

  16. [16] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    obama and bush II both figured out how to be president in their second terms. in bush's case the course correction was too late to rescue his reputation. in obama's case it was just barely soon enough. but in both cases incredible amounts of first-term goodwill and faith were wasted for the sake of learning on the job.

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    trump doesn't. hillary does.

    Being President is no different than running a business..

    Trump has been successful at that.

    Everything Hillary has touched has been a disaster..

    "These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed."

    ~my 2 brain cells

    Ahhhh, but would you want someone in there BESIDES Hillary??

    obama and bush II both figured out how to be president in their second terms. in bush's case the course correction was too late to rescue his reputation. in obama's case it was just barely soon enough. but in both cases incredible amounts of first-term goodwill and faith were wasted for the sake of learning on the job.



  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    But your politics suck and you can't argue.

    That's right.. I don't argue.. I debate...

    And, more often than not, events prove me right...

    Who was wrong about Trump and who was right?? Who was wrong about the 2014 mid-terms and who was right?? Who was wrong about Sanford and Ferguson and Baltimore and who was right??

    Yea, every once in a while, I get it wrong...

    Hillary indictment for one... Just can't seem to win with the SCOTUS either...

    But that's the difference between myself and ya'all...

    I have absolutely NO PROBLEM admitting I am wrong when the facts clearly show I am...

    No one here, with a couple exceptions, can make that same claim...

    So, yer right. I don't argue... I debate...

    And, one way or another, I usually win... Mostly by forfeit, but a win is a win... :D

    But enough about me.... :D


  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's funny..

    Usually political Partys tack to the center at about this time of a General Election..

    But the Demcorat Party is clearly moving further and further Left...

    Which means it's all but a certainty that Trump will be our next President..

    The big test for the Democrat Party is how they respond to (O)BLM... Will the go with representing the vast majority of Americans??

    Or will the side with a racist hate group??


  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    You have a sense of humor

    Thank you.... :D


  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Next to my complete and utter humble-ness, my sense of humor is my best feature.. :D


  22. [22] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Being President is no different than running a business..

    that is wrong. running a government and running a business are extremely different.

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    that is wrong. running a government and running a business are extremely different.

    You're right.. I misspoke..

    I apologize... (BLUE MOON!!!!!)

    There IS a difference...

    However, there are enough similarities to show that Trump WOULD be a successful POTUS if past performance indicates future performance...

    I am sure you will disagree..

    However, what is NOT open for debate is the gross and incompetent mismanagement and lack of judgement that Hillary Clinton has exhibited time and time again..

    Libya is a shithole and THAT is a direct result of Clinton's actions..

    Syria is a hellhole and THAT is a direct result of Clinton's actions...

    About the ONLY action that Hillary can brag about is when she dodged sniper fire in Bosnia.... Oh... wait.....


  24. [24] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    I am sure you will disagree..

    yes. donald has never run a government at any level, and the steep learning curve would make all but certain a disastrous first term. perhaps by the second term he'd get his bearings, but that's far from certain.

    However, what is NOT open for debate is the gross and incompetent mismanagement and lack of judgement that Hillary Clinton has exhibited time and time again..

    not up for debate? says who? although she'd been a senator and first lady, state was hillary's first experience as a leader, and along with some successes she also made some mistakes.

    libya was a mess after the fact, but getting rid of qaddafi was still a good thing. syria was headed toward rebellion regardless of what our diplomats might or might not have done, and russia got in the way of our doing more. in spite of the setbacks, clinton's time at state was mostly successful. bin laden? iran sanctions? chinese dissidents freed? the US reputation abroad was restored from all-time lows prior to clinton's tenure to now almost 70% positive. that's not coincidence, it's statecraft.

    AND clinton has shown that she learns from her mistakes, so now she is even better prepared to be president than she was in 2008. she'll make a good president on day 1, not halfway through her second term.


  25. [25] 
    nypoet22 wrote:
  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    not up for debate? says who? although she'd been a senator and first lady, state was hillary's first experience as a leader, and along with some successes she also made some mistakes.

    Mistakes that have costs people their lives..

    Mistakes that have ruined countries...

    That's like saying the captain of the Titanic (not first mate I.P. Freely) made a mistake....

    libya was a mess after the fact, but getting rid of qaddafi was still a good thing.

    But no one had a plan for the aftermath..

    Isn't that what ya'all castigate and demonize the GOP for???

    iran sanctions? chinese dissidents freed? the US reputation abroad was restored from all-time lows prior to clinton's tenure to now almost 70% positive. that's not coincidence, it's statecraft.

    The US reputation is not "restored" in the accepted meaning of the term..

    The US was feared and hated... Under Clinton and Obama, the US is hated and ridiculed..

    That's not "restored" by any stretch of the definition..

    AND clinton has shown that she learns from her mistakes,

    Despite ALL the facts to the contrary....


  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hooray, beer!

    Hehehe :D

    Oh,I get it!! It's a drinking game!!

    Everytime I make a mistake, I am wrong and/or I apologize, every one guzzles a can/bottle/mug of beer!

    Sheet, we'll hardly EVER get to drink!! :D

    How about we guzzle every time I am right.. We'll be trashed by day's end!! :D


  28. [28] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    The US was feared and hated... Under Clinton and Obama, the US is hated and ridiculed...

    do you have foreign polling data to back up this assertion, or is it just your opinion?

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    do you have foreign polling data to back up this assertion, or is it just your opinion?

    Just my opinion based on observation and facts.

    It's not something the Leftist MSM would ever poll...

    But why do you think Putin is being so aggressive in it's contacts with the US??

    He never would have done that to this scale under Bush..

    But Obama's a pussy and Putin knows he can push Obama around......

    Just my opinion...


  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    Clinton’s lead over Trump shrinks dramatically

    It’s the first time she’s dropped below 50 percent support

    Clinton up 3 points against only Trump, by 5 in 4-way contest

    The email controversy is taking a toll on Clinton

    Read more here:

    Worried yet?? :D


  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well said, Don.....

    Even if those Bernie supporters don't vote Trump, they WILL vote 3rd Party... in droves...

    It's a shame.. In Bernie, the Demcorat Party had a real shot in defeating Trump...

    But they opted for the Queen of the Establishment in an ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT election..

    "GOOD CALL!!!"
    -Jim Carrey, LIAR LIAR


  32. [32] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    So which wing of the right do you favor, Don? Because that's who takes power if you get your way. All three branches of government, and that's just a start if you want to start including down-ballot races.

    The movement-building phase of this race is over, dude. Go vote for Jull Stein if you want - your monumental mistake has been anticipated and accounted for by both campaigns.

  33. [33] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    That was a mistake. It's "Jill Stein". ;)

  34. [34] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    What happens if a majority of the 45% of young voters that say they won't vote for Hillary or Trump get behind Stein and Johnson?

    what happens if unicorns poop rainbows? maybe if we send guy fawkes' kids to private school, people who never voted before will suddenly start. it's a wonderful thought but it ain't gonna happen anytime this century, because most people who don't vote are either ignorant or apathetic to begin with, and that's not likely to change. johnny manziel will be MVP before the greens and libertarians get those kinds of numbers.


  35. [35] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Oh, fun, we get to play polls again. Here are the latest General Election Match-ups:

    McClatchy/Marist: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein = Clinton 40, Trump 35, Johnson 10, Stein 5 - Clinton +5

    Economist/YouGov: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein = Clinton 40, Trump 37, Johnson 5, Stein 2 - Clinton +3

    Thank you for playing.

  36. [36] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    News Item: Trump kids interviewing VP picks.

    This is hysterical. I wonder if the interviews are being conducted in a boardroom, with dramatic lighting and video cameras running?

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:


    Oh, fun, we get to play polls again. Here are the latest General Election Match-ups:

    So, we're back to polls, eh?? :D

    OK, here's the story you DON'T want told..

    Those +3 and +5 that Hillary is up??

    That USED to be +33 and +25 just a little while ago..

    Hillary is losing ground and losing ground at an accelerated clip....

    So, yes.. Hillary is SLIGHTLY ahead right now.. But where will she be tomorrow, give the trajectory of her numbers..

    And the day after that... and the day after that.....



  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is hysterical. I wonder if the interviews are being conducted in a boardroom, with dramatic lighting and video cameras running?

    Some Americans think FAMILY is important..

    MOST Americans will like how Trump is a family man and involves his family in this kind of decision...

    I know, I know.... FAMILY, in the traditional sense, is an alien concept to the vast majority of the Left Wingery...

    That much is obvious....


  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:


    But if you REALLY want to play with polls...

    White House Watch: Trump 42%, Clinton 40%

    But, if course, you won't LIKE *that* poll, so you just ignore it..



  40. [40] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Your scare tactics won't work on Don Harris. He's already made it pretty clear that he doesn't think that Trump is worse (or better) than HilRod. I don't agree. I think that he would probably be worse in almost every way. I'm still not going to vote for more perpetual war. I'll vote for Stein or Johnson and hope that their party meets the threshold for public funding. My goal isn't as ambitious as Don's.

  41. [41] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Trump is all about family. He has three of them so far.

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    I'm still not going to vote for more perpetual war. I'll vote for Stein or Johnson and hope that their party meets the threshold for public funding.

    A vote for Stein or Johnson is a de-facto vote for Trump... :D

    Awesome, JFC!! Yer gonna propel Trump into the White House!!! :D

    Whatta mensch... :D


  43. [43] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    The Trump Bubble is a double bubble. An orange haze. It truly is amazing to behold the stupidity.

  44. [44] 
    goode trickle wrote:

    Silly people ...

    It is worthless to discuss polls in this short silly season between the clinch and the convention. Arguably there will be polls that show whatever we want them to...

    Polls will only begin to become sort of useful after BOTH convention bumps and VP selections have been made. BOTH Lamestream candidates can really hand the election over to the other if the wrong VP choice is made.

  45. [45] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Don Harris [46]. You act as if there are no other actors in this drama other than Hillary and Donald and whoever-it-is that you want to vote for. To the contrary, Don, this is a cast of thousands, nay, Millions of people whose futures depend on the outcome.
    And this isn't either a Sophmore dorm room discussion of ideological purity. It's a real life scenario of winners and losers.
    Do you want to tell millions of Latino voters that there's no difference between Trump and Clinton?
    Would the leaders of Germany, Japan or France believe that? Would GB's new Prime Minister, Aunt May?
    You've made me say something I thought I'd never be goaded into: Michale [44] is right.

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    You've made me say something I thought I'd never be goaded into: Michale [44] is right.

    My diabolical plan is set into motion...




  47. [47] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    good trickle [47] you might have missed my Ode to the Polls in last Friday's comments section. I'm quite proud of it.

  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:

    It truly is amazing to behold the stupidity.

    I completely agree!!! :D


  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:


    It is worthless to discuss polls in this short silly season between the clinch and the convention. Arguably there will be polls that show whatever we want them to...

    But polls will still be mentioned...

    Ya'all will keep mentioning polls that say what ya'all want to hear...

    And I will keep mentioning polls that say what ya'all DON'T want to hear, to show ya'all the futility of mentioning on polls...

    "and so it goes and so it goes....."
    -Billy Joel



  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:


    It is worthless to discuss polls in this short silly season between the clinch and the convention. Arguably there will be polls that show whatever we want them to...

    But polls will still be mentioned...

    Ya'all will keep mentioning polls that say what ya'all want to hear...

    And I will keep mentioning polls that say what ya'all DON'T want to hear, to show ya'all the futility of mentioning on polls...

    "and so it goes and so it goes....."
    -Billy Joel



  51. [51] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Balthasar [48],

    Does it matter what state Don lives in?
    Do you know what state he lives in?
    Since I'm also not voting for Trump, is that a vote for HilRod?

  52. [52] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    John [54]: fair point.

  53. [53] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    well, it's better than staying home.

  54. [54] 
    goode trickle wrote:

    Ya'all will keep mentioning polls that say what ya'all want to hear...

    If I was part of "Ya'all" you would have a point...but...I'm not, so you don't.

    And I will keep mentioning polls that say what ya'all DON'T want to hear, to show ya'all the futility of mentioning on polls...

    And I will keep mentioning polls that say what I perceive as what ya'all DON'T want to hear, on my own volition, to show ya'all the futility of mentioning on polls... There I fixed it for you.

    FACT:(as it pertains to this thread) no one mentioned a poll prior to you. B-sar (gives it a little p-funk in the trunk feel) mentioned rebuttal polls. I made my comment... you rebutted.

    No matter how you slice it out of the four remaining contestants in #sackofdicks2016 only one has named a VP. Jill Stein is (judging from her web site) is running the classic global Green party campaign , which to some extent works when running for local or state office but when running for the highest office in the land does not, Libertarian Johnson has named Bill Weld and is garnering serious media attention (albeit albeit at a glacial pace like Sanders, could be too little too late) and could land on the debate stage. That leaves us with the Clintonator or the Trumpistator. Depending on who they pick who we arrive at the following:

    For the purposes of this exercise... unless Stein nominates someone who motivates the greens are DOA...and unless Johnson gets the required 15% to be on the big stage for debates. JMHO.

    Curtain 1: Just ONE of them picks the right person to motivate the electorate beyond the base and entices independents to move one way or the other thus leading to some real need for discussion and campaigning by the other..

    Curtain 2: BOTH pick candidates that engage both bases AND energizes outside of the base causing the independents to split thus causing a crap shoot on election day considering neither of the lamestream candidates truly motivate younger voters to come out and vote.

    Curtain 3: BOTH pick uninspiring candidates that fail to motivate beyond the base and to some extent turn off the base, thus making the election about who can get the base vote out the best on election day. Independents will not matter... again a crap shoot.

    AFTER everyone has picked their nuts, err..I mean VP mates (reminds me of an old joke punchline " man it's crazy down here you live in between two nuts and an asshole...with a dick upstairs.) then that is when we will see who is voting for whom. Thus being OK to mention polls.

    SOO that brings us back to where we started, my initial comment being spot on... you of course are free to do what you intimate otherwise would be in violation of your rights.

  55. [55] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    If I was part of "Ya'all" you would have a point...but...I'm not, so you don't.


    I still haven't figured out who he's talking about ...

  56. [56] 
    goode trickle wrote:


    Yes....Heh? Eh?

    Can I ask a more personal favor? I worked on a project last year that was made into a show on Discovery Canada...They are about three years behind down below...I would love to see the final product before I let it loose here.

    I am looking for a cable login for Bell or Shaw could you help ?

    Would it be OK if I sent CW my email and he could pass along?

    It was a really cool project and yes Canadians were involved...Thank God.

    If it helps I do have A SIN...

  57. [57] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I am looking for a cable login for Bell or Shaw could you help ?

    I could if I knew what you were talking about.

    I'm useless. :(

  58. [58] 
    goode trickle wrote:


    You are quite useful... All though I might come back to this if none of my Vanco folks come through...

  59. [59] 
    Michale wrote:


    If I was part of "Ya'all" you would have a point...but...I'm not, so you don't.

    You have never quoted or mentioned a poll???

    Com'on.. I was born at night, but not LAST night... :D

    FACT:(as it pertains to this thread) no one mentioned a poll prior to you.


    "It is worthless to discuss polls in this short silly season between the clinch and the convention. Arguably there will be polls that show whatever we want them to...

    "good trickle [47] you might have missed my Ode to the Polls in last Friday's comments section. I'm quite proud of it."

    Ya might want to get yer FACTS checked, thar pardner.. Looks like she's about to throw a shoe.. :D


  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:

    Can I ask a more personal favor? I worked on a project last year that was made into a show on Discovery Canada...They are about three years behind down below...I would love to see the final product before I let it loose here.

    If you could give me the name, I might be able to locate it..


  61. [61] 
    Michale wrote:

    If it helps I do have A SIN.

    A church might be able to help ya out with that.. :D


  62. [62] 
    Michale wrote:


    FACT:(as it pertains to this thread) no one mentioned a poll prior to you.

    My apologies, GT..

    (BLUE MOON!!!)
    Hooray, beer!

    In THIS commentary, I did mention a poll first...

    My bust...


  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:

    And I am going to mention another one!! :D


    Don't have the details yet....

    As I said above, the momentum is with Trump... Clinton is on her way down, in no small part to Director Comey's scathing indictment of Clinton's competence and integrity... Or, in Clinton's case, lack thereof..

    It's going to be hard for ya'all to see how low Hillary sinks..

    If ya'all want to declare a moratorium on POTUS Election polls, I'll be happy to oblige ya.. :D


  64. [64] 
    Michale wrote:

    If ya'all want to declare a moratorium on POTUS Election polls, I'll be happy to oblige ya.. :D

    As long as the moratorium is universal and doesn't just apply to me. :D


  65. [65] 
    Michale wrote:

    And I am going to mention another one!! :D


    Don't have the details yet....

    White House Watch
    White House Watch: Trump 44%, Clinton 37%

    Just days before the Republican National Convention is expected to formally nominate him to run for president, Donald Trump has taken his largest lead yet over Hillary Clinton.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports weekly White House Watch survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 44% support to Clinton’s 37%. Thirteen percent (13%) favor some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

    This is the third week in a row that Trump has held the lead, although last week he was ahead by a statistically insignificant 42% to 40%. This week’s findings represent Trump’s highest level of support in surveys since last October and show Clinton continuing to lose ground.

    I am beginning to come around to ya'all's way of thinking...

    Polls are awesome!!!! Polls are the living end!!! :D


  66. [66] 
    Michale wrote:

    I have always wondered if ya'all have seriously contemplated a Trump presidency..

    Have ya'all really considered that Trump COULD win...

    Especially when one considers how many possible events that could occur and favor Trump, increase TRUMP's numbers...

    I mean, look at it..

    A terrorist attack??? Favors Trump...

    Attack on police officers. Favors Trump...

    Illegal immigrant crimes, rapes, murders, etc etc.... Favors Trump...

    All of these things are likely to occur between now and November and ALL of them will increase Trump's popularity....

    I would be hard pressed to think of an event that is likely to occur and would favor Crooked Hillary...

    So, I am left to wonder..

    Have ya'all really thought about what ya'all will do when Trump wins???


  67. [67] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Have ya'all really thought about what ya'all will do when Trump wins???

    Hope for the best? What else can we do?

  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, I know that Ruth Bader Ginsburg will have to recuse herself from EVERY case that goes before the SCOTUS involving President Trump...

    She might as well retire now....


  69. [69] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Justice Ginsburg has apologized for her "ill-advised" comments regarding Mr. Trump. She should have known better.

    I guess what you're saying is that any case that the Supreme Court agrees to take up will, by definition, involve US Solicitor General who represents the United States government headed by the president of the United States.

    And, I guess you think that Justice Ginsburg, regardless of her contrition, should recuse herself and ultimately resign if Trump is elected?

  70. [70] 
    Michale wrote:

    Justice Ginsburg has apologized for her "ill-advised" comments regarding Mr. Trump. She should have known better.


    And, I guess you think that Justice Ginsburg, regardless of her contrition, should recuse herself and ultimately resign if Trump is elected?

    Well, that was half in jest.. The SCOTUS hears many cases that have nothing to do with the President or the Executive Branch...

    But based on her statements, she cannot hear any case that would involve the President because she has already prejudiced herself against President Trump...

    On the other hand, you just have to know that the Democrat Party is going to go apeshit and use the courts to challenge when President Trump takes pee...

    And RBG will have to recuse herself from all those cases...

    So, yea.. Maybe retirement is her best choice...


  71. [71] 
    goode trickle wrote:

    On the other hand, you just have to know that the Democrat Party is going to go apeshit and use the courts to challenge when President Trump takes pee...

    Thank god the GOP started us down that road...don't worry I Gotcha, wink wink. I know it's different.

    And RBG will have to recuse herself from all those cases...

    Why exactly? Scalia never recused himself from any cases involving his duck hunting buddy Cheney...

  72. [72] 
    Michale wrote:

    Thank god the GOP started us down that road...don't worry I Gotcha, wink wink. I know it's different.

    No, it's EXACTLY the same..

    The ONLY difference is that, when the DEMCORATS do it, ya'all will be PERFECTLY OK with it.. :D

    Am I wrong???

    "Yer not wrong."


    Why exactly?

    Because she has compromised herself and proved she can't be objective.. Even DEMOCRATs are saying she stepped over a line that shouldn't be crossed by a SCOTUS Justice...

    Scalia never recused himself from any cases involving his duck hunting buddy Cheney...

    If that was relevant to anything, I would respond..

    But it's not, so I won't...


    Scalia never recused himself from any cases involving his duck hunting buddy Cheney...

  73. [73] 
    Michale wrote:

    Sorry about that... Forgot to clear my whiteboard... :^/


  74. [74] 
    goode trickle wrote:

    The ONLY difference is that, when the DEMCORATS do it, ya'all will be PERFECTLY OK with it.. :D

    Am I wrong???

    Yes, you are wrong....I am not OK with it now and I won't be OK with it ever, since it signals the walking turdbags called congresscritters have again failed to do the job they were elected to do and will be relying on judicial activism to do it for them.

    Because she has compromised herself and proved she can't be objective.. Even DEMOCRATs are saying she stepped over a line that shouldn't be crossed by a SCOTUS Justice...

    So why is different from Scalia? or is your whole argument that it's ok to go hunting with the vice president and then sit in judgement on a case directly involving him , but, if you say something negative about your anointed POTUS choice it is not. Either way they both are subject to compromise...

    If that was relevant to anything, I would respond..

    But it's not, so I won't...

    Cheney v. United States District Court, 542 U.S. 367

  75. [75] 
    goode trickle wrote:

    M - 65

    I have perused the seamy underbelly of the interwebs...but what the hey.

    I am looking for Mighty Ships Season 9 Ep 3...

  76. [76] 
    Paula wrote:

    goode trickle: yep!

  77. [77] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Am I wrong???


    Human beings have neither the aural nor the psychological capacity to withstand the awesome power of God's true voice. Were you to hear it, your mind would cave in and your heart would explode within your chest. We went through five Adams before we figured that one out.

  78. [78] 
    Michale wrote:


    Yes, you are wrong....I am not OK with it now and I won't be OK with it ever,

    I'll remind you of that when the Democrat Party does it.. :D

    But it's funny... Several times, Democrats sued President Bush....

    Didn't hear a peep from the Left Wingery over that.. Granted you weren't here at the time.. But would you have opposed it like you oppose the GOP??

    I kinda doubt it.. :D

    So why is different from Scalia?

    Because Scalia never attacked a denigrated a Presidential Candidate during an election..

    NO SCOTUS Justice has ever done that...

    RGB has realized this and she walked back her comments. But it's too late..

    I am looking for Mighty Ships Season 9 Ep 3...

    I'll see what I can do..


  79. [79] 
    Michale wrote:

    I am looking for Mighty Ships Season 9 Ep 3...

    Quantum Of The Seas??
    Algoma Equinox???

  80. [80] 
    Michale wrote:

    Shit.... Sorry.. Wrong season..

  81. [81] 
    Michale wrote:

    Am I wrong???


    "Yes. That IS what they say."
    -Dr Daniel Jackson, STARGATE SG1-Continuum


    And yet, I nearly ALWAYS seem to have the facts on my side.. :D


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