Democrats Should Launch Pro-Obamacare Ad Campaign
Everyone's talking about Obamacare today, since it is the deadline for signing up for health insurance in the first "open enrollment" period for the marketplace exchanges. The final numbers aren't in yet (and won't be for at least another few weeks), but from the numbers already released, the Obamacare website seems to have made an impressive turnaround from its ignoble beginnings. What will be interesting about the final numbers is that since Obama announced late last week that they had already hit the 6 million mark, we'll be able to see exactly how big the wave of last-minute signups has been for the final four days of the official signup period. If the final number comes in at, say, 6.5 million, then half a million people will have successfully signed up in four days. That is a small miracle in and of itself, since on the first day the website went live, it only managed to sign up a total of six people.
But as I said, I'll wait until the final numbers are out to comment on them. We'll have plenty of time for analysis for the rest of the year, as better and better data is made available on Obamacare's overall effect on the health insurance marketplace. Instead, I'd like to look at the political side of things today. Republicans have made no secret of the fact that "Obamacare is a miserable failure!" is going to be their go-to campaign slogan this year. After a win in a special House election in Florida, they are now absolutely convinced that this is the winning strategy for this year.
Democrats, on the other hand, would prefer to change the subject to the economy, and which political party is on the side of Main Street and the average American worker. This is a contrast Democrats are confident of drawing, since it is pretty obvious they enjoy a natural advantage on this playing field. Just look at who is for and against raising the minimum wage, to give the most obvious example. But Democrats aren't going to be able to just ignore all the anti-Obamacare noise from the Republicans, nor should they (if they're smart). Because Democrats need to get a lot more proactive out on the campaign trail, if they have any hope of winning midterm races. In particular, Democrats should mount a massive ad campaign to counter all the ads the Koch brothers are funding. Doing so might be easier than you think.
The key is playing offense rather than defense. Now, due to the fractured nature of midterms (with hundreds of individual races across the country), there will be candidates who will be more successful at doing so than others. Already, I've seen two great ads Democrats are running -- one from West Virginia and one from Michigan. The West Virginia ad localizes the issue admirably, pointing out that the Republican candidate is for repealing black lung benefits -- a major issue in coal-mining country. This is precisely what such ads need to accomplish: making the point that repealing Obamacare would mean ending all the good it has achieved. If Democrats can get Republicans defending the specifics of their "Repeal!" stance, then they will have shifted the debate in a major way.
The Democratic Party headquarters should be actively searching for as many personal stories of people who have had good experiences that would have been impossible without Obamacare. Since the Koch brothers have already been attempting to do this with negative stories (not to much success, since most of their ads' overblown claims have fallen apart under close scrutiny), Democrats need to fight back with real-life stories of their own.
The ads would almost write themselves, since the personal stories would be the main script. Here are a few examples (which are all rather generic -- the individual stories would vary a bit, of course):
"My name is Jean Grey, and I am retired. I have saved more and more money the past few years, because I don't have to pay as much for prescription drugs as I used to. The 'donut hole' in the prescription drug coverage is now closing, meaning I save more each year on the drugs I must buy to keep alive -- hundreds and hundreds of dollars in savings, which go right into my pocket rather than to the drug companies. Why would anyone in their right mind want to end this program, when it saves so many seniors so much money?"
"I'm a mother of three. When my eldest child finished school, he started a small business of his own, which made me proud. But then he was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness which required hundreds of thousands of dollars to treat. I thank God I was able to keep him on my health insurance policy through his early 20s, because being self-employed he could not afford coverage on his own. Keeping him on my policy saved him from having to declare bankruptcy, and quite possibly saved his life as well. Why would Republicans want to kick children like mine off their parents' health insurance? I just don't understand that position, after experiencing what our family has gone through."
"I have had diabetes since I was a child. When I lost my job a few years ago, I also lost my health insurance. When I tried to buy insurance, I was told I had a pre-existing condition and would have to pay more money than I make each month to buy coverage. Several insurance companies just turned me down flat. Today, I am insured once again and know that never again will I be put in that position -- because it is now against the law for insurance companies to refuse me. Unless, of course, Republican Tim Jones gets elected, since he has made a campaign promise to make it once again impossible for me to get insured. This is why I'm voting for John Smith for Congress."
"Ten years ago, I was paralyzed. I had good health insurance at the time -- or so I thought. But my treatments soon hit a so-called 'lifetime cap,' and my insurance was cancelled. I couldn't find any other affordable insurance, due to my condition. Now, once again, I have good insurance, and I am secure in the knowledge that 'lifetime caps' have been abolished under the law. I know that I will never be thrown off my insurance again. Why in heaven's name would anyone want to take that away from me and the thousands like me in this state? I no longer live in fear that my next treatment will be my last treatment. Instead, I live in fear that Republicans will succeed in taking us back to the days when I had such worries. Vote Democratic. I know I'm going to, and I know exactly why."
There is no shortage of personal stories like this out there. The Democrats should be actively seeking such stories and presenting them to the public. Vetting the stories will be important, to avoid the egg-on-face nature of many of the anti-Obamacare ads, but this shouldn't be all that hard to accomplish.
Millions of people have had good experiences with various different aspects of Obamacare. Thousands of them (at a guess) would be more than willing to share their stories publicly. Now that the signup period is over, the Obamacare website and insurance exchanges will fade in the public's memory. As we get closer to the fall election, people will be much more interested in hearing such real-world examples of what, precisely, Obamacare is doing for them. The stories can and should be tailored to the individual races, but even that's not too hard to accomplish (as that West Virginia ad shows so well). Focusing in on things important to the constituency's demographics is important, as is telling stories from local citizens.
The Democratic Party should be helping this effort at all levels. They should be the ones actively seeking such positive stories, they could handle most of the vetting process, and they could share all this information with the candidates' campaigns. Republicans, as previously mentioned, are making no bones about the fact that they consider Obamacare their biggest issue this year. Democrats cannot simply abandon the field to the Koch ads. They need to strike back, and go on the offense, now that the initial signup period is over (and will soon be yesterday's news). Forcing Republicans to explain why they want to remove benefits from various individuals means putting them on defense. They will attempt to scramble around, saying "oh, but we'd keep all the good stuff," without giving any specifics as to how they'll be accomplishing such a feat. Which works to Democrats' advantage.
But only if these stories are told. Only if Democrats can get the word out. Right now, they should be starting a massive effort to do so in as many tight races as they possibly can. Explaining precisely what "Repeal!" actually will mean to everyone will blunt the effectiveness of the slogan. Obamacare -- one way or another -- is going to be an issue in the midterm elections. Democrats can either try to ignore this reality, or they can try to fight back and tell their side of the story. The choice should be obvious.
-- Chris Weigant
Cross-posted at The Huffington Post
Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant
Bill Clinton seems to agree with you in style, but I think it's fairly obvious that regardless of emphasis you can't ignore Obamacare.
CW: You mentioned in an earlier piece that people would make more of a big deal about the outcome in FLA than was warranted. I agree, but since you brought it up again....
The ACA did not sink Sink (sorry). If we compare the special elections in VA and FLA, we get a good idea of why Sink lost.
First, she ran a centrist campaign. End, don't mend (if you're explaining, you're losing); somewhat pro-austerity; and other approaches. While centrism may (or may not) serve well in a general election, in a special election it's a bad idea. Base turnout in low participation races has got to be the first goal.
The results are completely turn-out-the-vote related. GOP-registered voters turned out at a 20%-point higher clip than Dem-registrees.
The other main reason this happened is that even though Sink had and spent more $$$, she spent a much larger majority on traditional methods than was done in VA. Rather than good data analytics and on-the-ground targeting, as well as the other items in the modern Dem tool chest, she spent it on TV, radio, posters, and the other tools still used by the GOP. It's one of the ways the two parties still differ and she went with the GOP playbook.
Whether or not the ACA would have cost her the election is unknown because of these two other points. I suspect she would have been elected had she focused more on these two points.
The Dems need to ask every GOP candidate how they would pay for keeping the "good stuff."
The problem with that the GOOD stories is that, for every ONE good story, there are hundreds of horror stories...
The ACA did not sink Sink (sorry). If we compare the special elections in VA and FLA, we get a good idea of why Sink lost.
Bull Puckies...
Sink had ALL the advantages. Recognition, Money, Exposure, home field advantage and an opponent that was the dregs, a LOBBYIST for chreest's sake!
The ONLY reason she lost was because she embraced TrainWreckCare..
Ya'all can ostrich it all you want, but the simple fact is, obamacare is a luser for Democrats..
It STILL has problems, the website is STILL crashing and there is absolutely NO WAY to know who HAS insurance and who doesn't..
The number one priority of obamacare was to bring health insurance to the uninsured masses.
It has failed miserably.
The number two priority of obamacare was to bring down the costs of health care.
It has failed miserably..
Any Dem that embraces TrainWreckCare in ANY way is going to lose..
Plain and simple..
"Six out of ten can get insurance for $100 a day"
-Jay Carney, White House Spokesman
Way to ramp up the enthusiasm, Jay!!!! :D
The key is playing offense rather than defense.
Yes. Yes. And yes!
All you have to do is contact some people from Ted Cruz's facebook post. He asked people if they were better off under Obamacare and got an earful
This election is going to be a tough one. It looks like Republicans and corporate interest groups will be doing the lions share of the spending.
So it's also important that we be talking about whether we're better off or not.
For me personally, it was one of the factors that lead to me starting my own business. The exchanges brought the power of scale to insurance and help people like me find policies which are actually within reach (as opposed to the high cost for individuals previously).
I don't even care if you like Obama or not; this is a good thing. If the dynamics were to shift and we found ourselves with a Republican president, I would hope that he would keep it. I share this with as many people as possible.
The problem with Democrats embracing obamacare is that, if they do and even more crap goes down (Pay Systems STILL aren't in place) then Democrats will seal their fate. They wouldn't be able to be elected Dog Catcher...
Democrats KNOW that there are going to be more issues with obamacare...
THAT is why they are not going to embrace it..
It's the smartest move they can make given the circumstances...
Time will tell if it's going to be enough..
Democrats KNOW that there are going to be more issues with obamacare.
Sure. There's issues with any initiative.
You know what you do? Fix them. No big deal.
(Or at least it wouldn't be if Republicans were interested in something other than playing politics.)
You know what you do? Fix them. No big deal.
David... Obamacare has been in the works for THREE YEARS!!!
The website has been up for SIX MONTHS!!!
Obviously, it's a VERY big deal to fix it, no??
(Or at least it wouldn't be if Republicans were interested in something other than playing politics.)
obamacare is NOTHING but Democrats "playing politics"...
That ALL obamacare is..
It was rammed thru with absolutely NO GOP support or input..
At NO TIME in it's existence has TrainWreckCare enjoyed ANY support from the majority of Americans..
You decry the GOP "playing politics" yet you fail to realize that ALL obamacare is, is Democrats playing politics...
The majority of Americans DO NOT WANT obamacare..
And, as they did with Alex Sink, they won't elect anyone who supports obamacare...
It's THAT simple....
I am also constrained to point out that the Democrats sided with big business and corporate interests and against the American people and the middle class each and every time with TrainWreckCare...
So, to claim that Democrats are for "Main Street" is completely unsupported by the facts...
David... Obamacare has been in the works for THREE YEARS!!!
The website has been up for SIX MONTHS!!!
Obviously, it's a VERY big deal to fix it, no??
Put it another way..
Do you think GTA V would have survived if it had an opening like TrainWreckCare had??
And Health Care is AT LEAST as important as an online video game..
Wouldn't you agree???
As an aside. Question for Bashi...
Does GTA allow you to play the role of a cop?? Or is it all just gangsters, hoodlums and scumbags??? :D
(Or at least it wouldn't be if Republicans were interested in something other than playing politics.)
You mean like Democrats were interested in something other than playing politics when they fought Bush every inch of the way over the Patriot Act??
Once again, it works both ways...
Do you think GTA V would have survived if it had an opening like TrainWreckCare had??
It did have an opening just like the ACA website as I outlined at the time. The servers stabilized a bit sooner but have been plagued by hacks since. Around Christmas, the hackers figured out how to make custom lobbies (an instance of the on line game that can hold up to 16 players) and up the money gained from missions to ridiculous levels. Soon they, and all who were randomly placed in their lobbies were multi-billionares. It's possible, and common, to place a bounty on another player. When that player is killed, who ever killed them gets the money. If they survive 48 minutes of real game time, they get the money and the bounty on them disappears. With billions floating around it was common to get bounties on players in the 10's to 100's of millions and sometimes even billion dollar bounties. Once you get a bounty, you can share it with any number of people in the same lobby. This means there were many players who suddenly got huge amounts of money given to them without their ability to say no. Add to this that Rockstar, the company behind the GTA series, has a monetization strategy of being able to buy "shark cards" which for I think $2 to $20 real dollars would get you $50,000 to $1,000,000 of in game money. Each patch kills the current round of hacks. A new crop springs up quite quickly. Rinse and repeat...
Even with these problems, GTA V is one of the most profitable video games in history. And shark cards are a major source of revenue. GTA V does not support your anti-ACA argument at all. Sorry.
Does GTA allow you to play the role of a cop?? Or is it all just gangsters, hoodlums and scumbags??? :D
All the previous versions allowed you to do police, fire and taxi missions in single player if you stole a police car, fire truck or taxi but that has been taken out of GTA V. But hey, you can be a white collar criminal with corporate jet, posh apartment, business suit and supercar, so you are not limited to the lower classes of scumbaggery :D
It did have an opening just like the ACA website as I outlined at the time. The servers stabilized a bit sooner but have been plagued by hacks since.
That doesn't really compare..
If NO ONE could get online to play the game THAT would compare to what TrainWreckCare was like at the beginning..
And there is simply NO WAY that GTA would have survived if it had the problems that TWC had..
I know a little bit about back-end servers and know this to be true..
All the previous versions allowed you to do police, fire and taxi missions in single player if you stole a police car, fire truck or taxi but that has been taken out of GTA V.
Bummer... I play NEED FOR SPEED HOT PURSUIT a lot. Always play the cop, though.
Interesting side note. When Tom Clancy started his RAINBOW SIX series thru UBI, he made it abundantly clear that NO ONE would be able to play the game from the terrorists side... I have played a lot of FPS Online games and never once had any desire to play the roll of the terrorist..
The most recent FPS I finished (BATTLEFIELD 4) forced you to play the role of the Narco Terrorist and shoot the Captain of the USS OBAMA (I shit you not!)
I hated that...
Regardless of all the spin...
Democrats are petrified of the upcoming elections..
And with good reason...
That doesn't really compare..
If NO ONE could get online to play the game THAT would compare to what TrainWreckCare was like at the beginning..
And there is simply NO WAY that GTA would have survived if it had the problems that TWC had..
I stand corrected...
GTA 5 was not a proper comparison to make.... :D
You see the problem??
The ONLY facts ya'all pay attention to are the so-called "facts" that support your ideology...
Any other REAL facts that dispute ya'alls ideology are "in the weeds" or just plain lies...
THAT is the problem here..
Ya'all have ideological filters that simply ignore ANYTHING that doesn't fit your ideology..
Helluva way to go thru life, I'll say that....
One million signups in one day!!
Anyone who believes that truly must be an April Fool..
I mean, com'on people... Seriously..
Are ya'all actually BUYING this total bullcarp???
Com'on people! This is a REALITY based forum...
Actual sign-ups, IE people who have actually *PAID* for their insurance is less than 1 million...
This is beyond ridiculous...
Democrats are toast in November..
Personally, I can't wait...
For the record, my fellow Weigantians..
#16 is how one concedes the point and admits when they are wrong...
Try it some time...
Might make things more pleasant around here...
I'm just sayin'......
It's astonishing to see how the political narrative on AHC has shifted in the 24 hrs since your article appeared.
The benchmark of 7 million enrollment by November was always a dubious measure of success/failure, but the Republicans bought into it when it appeared unattainable in the wake of the botched roll out. Republicans shaped the narrative, they hyped it, and now they're stuck with it. Suddenly, against all conventional wisdom, enrollment slightly exceeds the dubious goal, and the crowd goes nuts!
Democrats seem to be taking your advice and going on the health care offensive. Republicans are backing away from repeal. Republicans accidentally handed Obama a political triumph just when he really needed one.
Politics never ceases to surprise.
Ya'all are ACTUALLY buying into that number...
The delusional aspects of ideological enslavement never ceases to amaze me...
People will believe ANYTHING if it jibes with their ideological religion...
The bottom line is this: there are a lot of numbers flying around out there about how many people are benefiting from Obamacare. A big part of the reason is political; advocates of the law want to claim that so many millions of people are dependent on the law for coverage, that it will be difficult to repeal.
I agree with them that the law will be difficult to repeal, but that’s no excuse for whitewashing the real problems with affordability and access in the Obamacare exchanges.
Barnum was right. There's one born every minute. And it seems that they are all Democrats.. :D
It's astonishing to see how the political narrative on AHC has shifted in the 24 hrs since your article appeared.
Maybe on HuffPo and DailyKos...
The narrative in the rest of the world is still the same..
TrainWreckCare has done little to bring health insurance to the uninsured masses.
TrainWreckCare has done nothing to bring down the costs of health care and health care insurance.
By ANY reasonable or logical assessment, TWC is a complete and abject failure.
"These are the facts. And they are undisputed."
-Captain Jack Ross, A FEW GOOD MEN
Democrats seem to be taking your advice and going on the health care offensive.
I really hope you are right..
Because, when it comes to light that Obama's 7.1 Million April Fools Joke is nothing but smoke, mirrors and wishful thinking, Democrats congresscritters who put all their eggs in the TrainWreckCare basket will have those eggs all over their faces, looking like the morons that they are..
GOP takes the Senate?? If Democrats follow ya'alls advice, the GOP might just be looking a a SUPER-DUPER VETO-PROOF MAJORITY in the Senate!!
Wouldn't THAT be a hoot, eh? Republicans could pass ANYTHING they wanted and Obama and the Democrats couldn't do a damn thing to stop it..
Would be a fitting and just end to Democrat rule, considering how Obama and the Democrats forced this TrainWreckCare carp down the throats of the American people..
A GOP VETO-PROOF majority... Ahhh perchance to dream... :D
Hey "liberal" media!
Where are these stories? (Some of this would be great for an Obamacare commercial)
Where are these stories? (Some of this would be great for an Obamacare commercial)
Again, Daily Kos is even MORE Leftist propaganda than the MSM...
Apparently, the MSM have SOME standards when it comes to blatant fabrications..
I know.. Amazing, right??
But let me throw ya a bone, David. :D
Supreme Court strikes down overall limit on campaign giving
Something for the Left to howl hysterically about..
Pretty much, anything that the Left is against HAS to be good for the country.... :D
Apparently, the MSM have SOME standards when it comes to blatant fabrications..
On the other hand....
A Slacking Figure: Despite What President Obama and the Los Angeles Times Say, 3.1 Million Young Adults Have Not Received Coverage via Their Parents' Insurance
..... maybe not....
A GOP VETO-PROOF majority... Ahhh perchance to dream... :D
Glad to see you're finally admitting you're a Republican, Michale.
We've pretty much known it for years, but good to see you coming out of the closet.
If DailyKos is gospel around here, so I guess Breitbart is acceptable as well... :D
More evidence that TrainWreckCare is going to cost jobs...
Glad to see you're finally admitting you're a Republican, Michale.
We've pretty much known it for years, but good to see you coming out of the closet.
Actually, the Klingons say it best...
q'OaStaHvuIS wa' ramn loSSSaD HoGh SIjlaHt qeItbogh loDD
Which, loosely translated, means:
"The enemy of my enemy is the enemy I kill last"
I have no love for the Republican Party. I have made it abundantly clear that I hate ALL politicians..
But there is a special place in hell for the Democratic Party due to their unwitting support of Al Qaeda when the went up against President Bush and put this country at risk, SOLELY AND COMPLETELY due to their political agenda, having absolutely NOTHING to do with any real moral outrage...
In other words, do not construe my utter disdain and contempt for the Democratic Party as support for the Republican Party...
I hate the Republican Party as well..
Just not as much as I do the Democratic Party...
I have a nominee for a DARWIN AWARD...
A scumbag mobster in Dublin, Ireland was planting a bomb on a rival's Volvo...
Apparently the would-be bomber forgot about the Daily Savings Time Change and the bomb detonated while the bomber was affixing the device to the target's vehicle..
I think Homer Simpson said it best...
DOH!!!! :D
Glad to see you're finally admitting you're a Republican, Michale.
In other words, just because I am not with the Democratic Party doesn't mean I AM with the Republican Party, Mr Bush.... :D
First Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Nevada Obamacare Exchange
Ya'all might want to hold off on that victory lap until all the lawsuits are settled.... :D
Employers Say Obamacare Will Cost Them $5,000 More Per Employee
Businesses reveal in confidential survey that Obamacare will add up to $200 million in costs
JUST what a struggling economy needs...
More expenditures...
TrainWreckCare is a job killer.... Pure and simple...
"The debate over the Affordable Healthcare Act is over."
-President Barack Obama
"No, Mr. President. No way, Mr. President. We do not accept, we do not acquiesce in, this deplorable piece of legislation. The debate is not over. The debate will continue. It must continue. What is at stake is sound health care policy for America. But what is also at stake is reversing your attempt, Mr. President, to transform a free country committed to limited government into merely another nation burdened with the worst aspects of big-government nanny-statism.
Mr. President, you have been elected our 44th president. We of course accept that, and we understand that you will continue to fight for your legislation and threaten to veto attempts to repeal and replace it. But we do not accept that you get to decide that the debate is over. We do not accept that you acquire any moral authority by claiming to enlist "history" on your side. We do not accept that your attempt to expand welfare state at the expense of individual liberty and the rule of law is true "progress."
President Obama, you might wish the debate were over. You might think you can intimidate us into conceding the debate is over. But you are wrong. The Republican party stands committed, acting through democratic means and as the agent of a self-governing people, to repealing and replacing Obamacare."
-William Kristol
Well said, Mr Kristol...
Obama and Democrats need to understand and accept one simple fact.
Obama is NOT a king. He cannot issue decrees that MUST be blindly followed without question.
Democrats are, of course, free to blindly follow the President, never questioning...
But America was founded to get RID of the exact kind of rule and ruler that Obama fancies himself to be and Democrats who fall all over themselves fawning and pledging blind devotion and loyalty to the man who would be king.....
"Well, f*ck that!!!"
-Loki, DOGMA
I wonder how the American people will feel voting for Democrats when it's learned that Obama's EPA used human test subjects to test the effects of particulate matter from diesel exhaust...
While NOT fully informing the test subjects of the risks...
Report: EPA tested deadly pollutants on humans to push Obama admin’s agenda
I mean, seriously people...
Not a red line???
Are you REALLY supporting these Democrats??
Let's take stock..
Obama has increased domestic surveillance to unbelievable heights..
Obama hasn't closed Gitmo..
Obama orders extra-judicial executions and assassinations of American citizens without Due Process..
NOW we learn that Obama's EPA is using human guinea pigs to further his agenda????
Where does it end???
At what point do ya'all stand up and say, "Whoaaa, wait a sec... This is going to far??"
Ya'all have already thrown ANY morals, ethics or principles you may have had on the altar of the almighty Democratic Party....
Are ya'all REALLY going to remain silent over this???
I can always tell the very instant that ya'all just can't accept the facts..
It gets real quiet.. :D
Americans Say 75 Percent of Politicians Are Corrupted, 70 Percent Use Political Power to Hurt Enemies
Real quiet, 'cept for the sounds of flogging a dead horse.
Real quiet, 'cept for the sounds of flogging a dead horse.
Yea, I realize all the TrainWreckCare cheerleading is tedious... :D
I am doing my best to bring some REALITY to all the BS... :D
Real quiet, 'cept for the sounds of flogging a dead horse.
I mean, seriously..
If ya'all wouldn't spend all your time saying how awesome and perfect TrainWreckCare is, I wouldn't have to spend all my time showing the facts that prove ya'all wrong..
N'est-ce pas???